Next stop: Mobliz again. |
Walk into the building on the far west side of town. Talk to Duane here, who forgot to use a rubber. Now where's that hanger... |
Remember the secret stairwell here? Walk down it. |
Walk into the backroom and you'll see Terra and Katarin blabbing away like the teenage females that they are. Duane will come down and mumble some half-said apologies. Love love, blah blah blah, where's the fun? |
BOOM! Yay, time to fight. Make war, not love. Phunbaba is back, and boy has he been eating his beans. |
Terra will naturally wuss out on you, so you're on all your own chump. |
Unfortunately, he's a bit stronger than he was last time. Must be those beans. Phunbaba's mad flatulence will blow away two of your party members, and the battle will exit. Just in time, Terra comes to the rescue, esper style. |
This battle is cake. Just use your strongest physical attacks, such as bum rush, if Sabin is left. For the magic users, it's all about the bio. Reccomended Level: 35 |
I'm sorry children. This always seems to happen at this time of the month. |
Holding it in will only make it smell worse when it finally comes out, you know. |
Oh...you mean that. Heh heh.....heh. |
Video games are just rotting their minds to nothing! Something must be done. |
It's enough to make you sick, isn't it? Well, at least Terra finally joins you this time. If only she'd shut her yap. |