AUTHOR'S NOTE: This walkthrough goes through the American version, called Final Fantasy III for the SNES, though does cover most of the Super Famicom version, Final Fantasy VI. The Playstation version is similar to the Super Famicom version, with minor differences. None of those differences are covered in this
How to use this walkthrough:
Every entry in this walkthrough will follow the same basic procedures. They are as follows:
Location of Event
Recommended Party: Person, Person, Person, Person
The Description of the event will go here. It will probably be a couple of lines long, and most will include a picture. In this space will be more text, describing the event and some of my lame humor (actually lots of it), but not ruining the plot (actually, I'll be ruining the plot many more times than once :). If a boss is in the area, it will be in a separate field, as demonstrated below.
HP: ### |
MP: ### |
Special Weakness/Defence: xxx |
Special Attacks: xxx |
Walkthrough Sections:
World of Balance:
The World of Ruin:
Note on World of Ruin Walkthrough: The world of Ruin is, for the most part, non-linear. There are only a few parts of the walkthrough which are
mandatory and that you must do. The rest of the parts are optional, and need only be done for completeness. Refer to the key below for more information.