As you're escaping, someone from your party will greet you by the exit of the fortress (depending on your group, this person will be different. In my case here, it was Edgar). He'll inform you that the empire is in total disarray from the Esper attack. |
You'll automatically head back to the capital, but not without event. On the way there, the espers attack the ship and Edgar loses control. Apparently, Terra can "feel it". Locke, you naughty naughty boy. |
Anyway, the ship crashlands just outside of Miranda and you're going to have to make your way back to the capital yourself. Your party is rather unimportant here. Nothing too exciting will be happening. |
If you're in the mood you can gain another level two here in the forest. It's not of dire importance however. Recommended Level: 25 |
Unless you're in the mood for a long hike, grab a chocobo there in the forest by Miranda and travel in style (and play that choco hip-hop to the max brotha). |
When you arrive back at Vector, you'll notice the entire town has been destroyed. Arvis says it was like that when he got there. A likely story. |
Make your way up Vector toward the Imperial palace. There isn't much to see around the city except a bunch of soldiers that all say the same damn thing. A guard will greet you and tell you to follow him. |
The guard leads you to a room where Gestahl tells you he has "lost his will to fight." Sounds a little fishy. But...on the other hand, his entire town WAS decimated. No need to pick sides yet though. You have a mission to do. |
The emperor says that some of his soldiers still refuse to side with the returners. Your mission is to talk to all of his guards (there are 24 of them) and weed out any of the unfaithful ones. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, you've only got four minutes to do it. |