If you are following me in the walkthrough, this is where you should begin. If you're playing out of order and know how to get to Nikeah already, click here. To get to Nikeah from Mobliz, start heading back through the serpent trench in the same way you got to Mobliz. |
When you get to the area by the bridge, start heading North this time instead. |
Be careful of the desert areas on your passage to Nikeah. The enemies there give lots of magic points, but they tend to cast zombie rather often. |
And this would be the guy. Sabin's Aura Bolt will waste his sorry butt in one hit though. |
As you're heading north, you'll see this gigantic phallic-like tower sticking out of the ground. That certainly wasn't there before. You can't get to it yet, though, so don't worry about it. |
And after much toil and trouble, you finally reached Nikeah. Reccomended Level: 31 |
Just like in the World of Balance, this is a pretty damned boring town. The only thing to do here is to stock up on new armors and weapons and the such. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 4 AMULETS BEFORE YOU LEAVE HERE!!!! |
There are a new class of Diamond armors available. Stock up on Diamond Helms and Diamond Shields, but only bother getting one Diamond Vest for Sabin. You'll be able to buy a better armor for Celes soon enough. |
There is also a nice sword you can buy here for Terra: The Enhancer. Good attack power, and a hefty +7 bonus to magic. Nuttin' tah complain 'bout here, eh chap? |
When you're done stocking up on necessities, walk into the cafe. There are four thieves in here. Talk to each of them and a cutscene will trigger. |
You knew there had to be more to this town though right? After all, there is a nifty little * thingie next to the section. Well, here it is. It's Edgar, the ladies man! Bahamut says I'd make a good Edgar, but I disagree. I'm far more successful in my endeavors than he is. |
Unfortunately, this buffoon won't admit he's Edgar. Well, maybe he's not? Who knows. Just keep pestering him... |
Until he leads you down to the port, where you stowaway a ride on the way to South Figaro. You naughty person you. |
In the navy. Yes, you can sail the seven seas. In the navy. Yes, you can put your mind at ease. In the navy. Come on now, people, make a stand. In the navy, in the navy. Can't you see we need a hand. In the navy. Come on, protecteur of the land. In the navy. Come on and join your fellow man. In the navy. Come on people, and make a stand. |