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Quistis Trepe

Character HOME Squall Leonheart Seifer Almasy Quistis Trepe Zell Dincht
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Quistis Trepe

Quistis Trepe
  • Age: 18
  • Birthday: October 4th
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Limit Break: Blue Magic
  • Weapon: Chain Whip ---> Slaying Tail ---> Red Scorpion ---> Save the Queen


Quistis Trepe grew up in an orphanage and was brought to Balamb Garden when she was ten. She became an elite SeeD when she was 15 and began teaching two years later as the youngest instructor ever in Balamb Garden.

Quistis is a nice person who likes to take the position of the leader in a group- until Squall takes over, at least. She's respected by everyone in the Garden (she even has her own fanclub! Now, some things just go too far...), but that is why she feels lonely at times. Although she's the same age as her students, not many people want to spend time with her as they see her as perfect (and hey, who wants to spend free time with his TEACHER?) which is why she easily gets depressed. She also considers herself a failure because her instructor's license was taken away one year after she got it. Apparently "she didn't have what it takes to be a good instructor."

Battle Skills:

Quistis' weapon, the Chain whip, is a long range weapon, which is very useful against enemies who like to counterattack when being attacked with a short range weapon (like Blitz for example). Her limit break, Blue Magic, can be very useful if you use the stronger attacks like Malboro's "Bad Breath" to cause a bunch of status changes, "Degenerator" which kills an enemy in one hit (VERY recommendable for killing enemies like Ruby Dragons, Malboros and so on. Especially if you have to level up, get Bahamut or made the "Zell- mistake" in the Deep Sea Research Facility and can't run from the monsters), "Mighty Guard" which casts all protection spells on your party or "Shockwave Pulsar" which heavily damages all enemies. The rest is kind of useless in my opinion, use Squall's limit break to do the major damage and leave the strategical stuff to Quistis.