Laguna Loire
Bio:You'll first meet Laguna in the dream sequences. Aftwerwards, you'll find out that he's an ex- Galbadian soldier, journalist, hero, mayor and god knows what else (and he's handsome too :D). In the dream sequences, you'll live through certain events he lived through with Ward and Kiros, his friends. Although Laguna is a soldier, he enjoys writing more than fighting and quits the army to become a journalist for the "Timber Maniacs"- magazine which you can read on the school computer when you collect them throughout the game (Selphie will update the page). Battle Skills:Another character you don't have in your party for too long *sniff* he's an excellent fighter though (probably because he's automatically "junctioned" to Squall), so you should make good use of his physical attacks. His limit break, "Desperado", is quick and does a lot of damage. |