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The Quest for Mediums!

The first medium I'll have you headed off for is "Star Roe"! It is located along the northern border of the Inland sea. Use Kanon's radar to locate the "Shining Garden". Once you have located the Garden you'll find that it isn't a very big area. Head into the teleport gem. Examine the tablet in the room and then head through the northeastern door, then look around and exit back through the door. Now head up the stairs and read the eastern wall. It says "RAY". Head through the southern door and examine the pedestal. Answer the question that it asks with what you read on the wall. RAY. After this you'll get the medium "Star Roe"!

After you get the "Star Roe" medium from get into your hover craft and head north. On the next beach you'll encounter the "Thunder Lion Cage". In this area you'll find the "Noua Shax" medium. Anyway in the first area you'll see a chest. Have Pooka open it. You'll get the "Album coupon". A special item that allows you to view your monster album from the status screen. Anyway head down the stairs and through the door to the southwest. In this room head up the stairs and through the eastern door. Have Pooka grab a crest from the nearby chest. Hit the switch and return to the starting room. You can grab a "Crest Orb" from the chest behind the duplicator door at the top of the stairs. Drop down to the lower level go through the door and hurl a knife at the switch. Head south and you'll pick up "Noua Shax". Thats one more medium checked off the list.

To grab the next Medium head to Guild Galad and hop on the hover craft (GG is closest and it's got the best access to the actual sea). Get on your hover craft and go to the island Holst is located and land on the beach. Look around nearby to find "Dark Reason". Anyway inside head south. Run along the path of blocks and enter the door to the southwest. Continue...choose the southwest door once more. Head through the middle southeast door. Make your way along another path of falling blocks and head through the south door to pick up the medium "Leitea Stalk"!

Your next target is the "Abandoned Ice Box" #6 on the world map. This can be used to locate any place you can't find so just check it out d00ds. Anyway head north. Read the plaque things as you move. Head up the ramps and to the east. Use Pooka to grab the Str Apple and the Sor Apple. Head west...and then northeast. Read the plaque and continue heading west. You can head back for the "Lucky Cards". Head south and you'll come along a puzzle. Activate them by stepping on them in this order:

Head north and you'll get "Aru Saluto". Congrats thats all the mediums you can get up to this point

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