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Guardian Lore

Tim can learn powerful spells from the Guardians, Equip a medium and have Tim kill a specific number of enemies to gain the Lore.

Gaurdian Lore
Spell: Medium: FP cost: Kills: Range: Comment:
First Aid Odoryuk 24 5 All A very handy healing spell. It heals all of your active team members for a good amount. Tim will almost always go first with this spell making it more useful then Lilka's healing spells.
TurnUndead Odoryuk 4 15 Single This spell is basically useless except for against two bosses, which you can find out about in the bosses section.
Rock Bolt Grudiev 12 3 Single This is a fairly powerful earth-based attack. Due to Tim's higher sorcery this does more damage then Lilka's earth based spells.
Gravitron Grudiev 50 15 Group This is a very strong earth-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Water Gun Schtudark 12 3 Single This is a fairly powerful water-based attack.
Submerge Schtudark 50 15 Group This is a strong water-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Red Beaut Moor Galt 12 3 Single This is a fairly powerful fire-based attack.
Napalm Hit Moor Galt 50 15 Group This is a strong fire-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Sonic Claw Fengalon 12 3 Single This is a fairly powerful-wind based attack.
Tempest Fengalon 50 15 Group This is a strong wind-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Lightnin' Noua Shax 12 10 Single This is a fairly powerful-lightning based attack.
Plasma Tap Noua Shax 50 20 Group This is strong lightning-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Ice Beam Aru Sulato 12 10 Single This is a fairly powerful ice-based attack.
Arctic Aru Sulato 50 20 Group This is a strong ice-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Arrow Shot Stare Roe 12 10 Single This is a fairly powerful light-based attack.
Nova Rain Stare Roe 50 20 Group This is a strong light-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Black Gate Leitea Salk 12 10 Single This is a fairly powerful dark-based attack
Dark Star Leitea Salk 50 20 Group This is a strong dark-based attack. This does good damage to a group of enemies.
Arcana 13 Ge Ramtos 20 30 Single A fairly powerful HP-draining attack.
Thanatos X Ge Ramtos 12 50 All This spell protects your whole team from sudden death attacks.
Valkyrie Rigdobrite 50 10 All This is a powerful non-elemental attack. It does good damage to all enemies.
Cosmic Ray Rigdobrite 75 20 All This is a very strong non-elemental attack. It does heavy damage to all enemies.
Gold Hammer Chapapanga 77 50 All Receives ??? Gella.
Lucky word Chapapanga 7 77 All Raises luck by one
Speed Down Zephyr 70 20 Group Drops a group of enemies pry & res.
Full Heal Raftina 50 50 Single Restores one member of your fighting party to full health.
Bold Lance Justine 80 99 Single An extremely powerful non-elemental attack. Does exceptional damage to one target.
Apocalypse Dan Dairam 99 99 All The ultimate magic spell. It is a non-elemental spell that does as much if not more damage then Bold Lance...but to all enemies.

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