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Monster List

Monsters #001-100
Number: Name: Hp: Money: Item: Steal Elemental Weakness: Elemental Halved: Elemental Resistance: Elemental Absoprtion:
001: A Bao A Quo 5,000 3,000 Grenade Heal Berry Earth --- --- Wind
002: Aaman 800 1,000 --- Heal Berry Wind Earth --- ---
003: Aella 700 2,000 Mini Carrot Mega Berry Earth --- Wind ---
004: Agowagdent 2,000 3,000 Antidote Big Berry Ice --- --- Water
005: Agion 700 500 --- Heal Berry --- --- All Elements ---
006: Agion Black 2,000 2,500 --- Heal Berry Light --- --- Dark
007: Agion Blue 2,000 2,500 --- Heal Berry Lightning --- --- Water
008: Agion Red 2,000 2,500 --- Heal Berry Water --- --- Fire
009: Agion White 2,000 2,500 --- Heal Berry Fire --- --- Ice
010: Agion Yellow 2,000 2,500 --- Heal Berry Water --- --- Lightning
011: Agunaluda 800 1,000 Full Revive Heal Berry Earth --- --- Wind
012: Albion 750 1,000 War Respite Heal Berry Wind --- --- ---
013: Aligatiger 680 1,200 Revive Fruit Heal Berry Wind Earth --- ---
014: Alphael ??? 2,700 --- --- Earth --- --- Wind
015: Amon 560 1,000 --- Mega Berry --- All Elements --- ---
016: Angolmois ??? --- Force Unit --- --- All Elements --- ---
017: Ant Lion 200 390 Mini Carrot Heal Berry Water, Ice --- Earth ---
018: Antenora ??? --- --- Mini Carrot --- --- --- ---
019: Antenora ??? --- --- War Respite --- --- --- ---
020: Antenora ??? 7,000 --- Tiny Flower --- --- --- ---
021: Ard ??? --- --- Antidote --- --- --- ---
022: Ard ??? --- --- Medicine --- --- --- ---
023: Ard ??? 2,250 Tiny Flower War Respite --- --- --- ---
024: Argoth 1,200 2,000 Antidote Medicine Lightning --- --- ---
025: Arioch 3,000 5,000 Antidote Medicine Earth --- --- Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Water, Dark and Light
026: Armordrake 1,000 460 Big Berry Heal Berry --- All Elements --- ---
027: Arms Killer ??? 5,000 --- Mini Carrot Dark --- Light ---
028: Asmodeus 6,000 2,000 Mega Berry Full Revive Light Fire, Ice, Wind, Lightning, water, Earth --- Dark
029: Assassin Bug 170 210 Revive Fruit Revive Fruit Ice --- --- ---
030: Atlas 3,500 1,500 Mega Berry Heal Berry Wind Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Light, Darkness --- Earth
031: Aughisky 900 850 Pinwheel Mega Berry Lightning --- --- Water
032: Axe Beak 200 300 Big Berry Heal Berry Earth Wind --- ---
033: Babalou 320 460 Antidote Duplicator Earth --- --- ---
034: Bad News ??? --- Shuriken Tiny Flower --- --- --- ---
035: Balam 3,000 5,000 Antidote Heal Berry --- --- Fire, Lightning, Ice ---
036: Balloon 60 12 Stone Heal Berry Light Dark --- ---
037: Balor 1,000 2,000 Full Revive Pixie Dust Dark --- --- ---
038: Balphon 500 750 Antidote Heal Berry Ice --- --- ---
039: Bamulvris 560 1,000 Mini Carrot Heal Berry Earth --- --- Fire, Ice
040: Baphomet 560 1,000 Mega Berry Heal Berry --- Light --- Dark
041: Barghest 60 16 Heal Berry Big Berry Earth Lightning --- ---
042: Basilisk 360 450 Softener Softener --- Earth --- ---
043: Bearcat 700 460 Big Berry Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
044: Beast Pillar 40 40 Heal Berry Heal Berry Lightning --- --- ---
045: Belleclaire ??? 5,000 Best Vest Mega Berry Wind --- --- Earth
046: Belphegor 1,500 1,000 Full Revive Heal Berry All Elements --- --- ---
047: Bemzaa 560 1,100 Antidote Mega Berry --- --- --- ---
048: Beowulf 5,000 5,000 --- Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
049: Berserker 180 210 Heal Berry Heal Berry Water, Ice Earth --- ---
050: Big Critter 8,000 5,000 Spoon Heal Berry All Elements --- --- ---
051: BlackSabbath 560 1,000 Antidote Big Berry Light --- --- ---
052: Blackou 260 400 Boomerang Heal Berry Light Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice --- Dark
053: Blastadon ??? 2,500 --- Fire, Ice Water --- --- ---
054: Blood Ruby 150 400 Lucky Hard Heal Berry Light --- Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice Dark
055: Blue Book 100 30 Heal Berry --- Fire --- --- ---
056: Blue Snail 1,200 380 Antidote Full Revive Ice --- --- Water
057: Bockle 560 1,000 Big Berry Mega Berry --- --- --- ---
058: Body Snatcher 750 1,000 --- Tiny Flower Light Dark --- ---
059: Bogey 45 12 --- --- --- Wind --- ---
060: Bone Drake 160 180 Heal Berry Big Berry Light Dark --- ---
061: Bower 190 300 Heal Berry Heal Berry Lightning --- --- Water
062: Brandt 325 460 Peppy Acorn Heal Berry Dark --- --- ---
063: Briareos 700 1,200 --- Tiny Flower Earth --- Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Light, Dark ---
064: Brokel 1,550 460 Big Berry Heal Berry Lightning Fire --- Ice
065: Buckbaird 1,480 600 Pinwheel Big Berry Lightning --- --- ---
066: Buer 470 820 Mini Carrot Mega Berry --- All Elements --- ---
067: Bulkogidon ??? 30,000 --- Tiny Flower --- --- --- ---
068: CactusMan 360 420 Big Berry Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
069: Caina ??? --- --- War Respite --- --- --- ---
070: Caina 7,000 --- --- Full Revive --- --- --- ---
071: Caina ??? 7,500 War Respite Tiny Flower --- --- --- ---
072: Captor 340 500 Big Berry Heal Berry --- Ice --- Water
073: Carbuncle 200 300 Pixie Dust Big Berry Light Dark --- ---
074: Catoblepas 600 750 Softener Pinwheel Dark --- --- ---
075: Cave Torus 220 310 Big Berry Heal Berry Wind Earth --- ---
076: Chimera 3,000 200 Mega Berry Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
077: Choronzon 3,550 5,000 Big Berry Heal Berry --- --- All elements ---
078: Chrysalis 560 1,000 --- Heal Berry --- --- --- All elements
079: Clay Puppet 220 350 Lucky Card Heal Berry Water --- Fire Earth
080: Coatl 4,200 2,500 Mega Berry Heal Berry Earth --- --- ---
081: Cockatrice 210 240 Antidote Pixie Dust --- --- --- ---
082: Coral Eater 320 460 Lucky Card Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
083: Crab Bubbler 320 460 Antidote Medicine Lightning --- --- Water
084: Crash Bunny 600 2,000 Bulletload Heal berry Dark Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Ice, Light --- ---
085: Critter 110 80 Heal berry Big berry --- --- --- ---
086: Cuttlefish 220 300 Revive fruit Heal Berry Lightning Ice --- Water
087: Cyclops 4,200 5,000 Full Revive Pixie Dust Dark --- --- ---
088: Dakleit 200 80 Revive Fruit Heal berry --- All elements --- ---
089: Dalawa Bunny 560 1,000 Big Berry Heal Berry Dark Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lighting, Ice, Light --- ---
090: Daphne 300 100 Big Berry Lucky Card Fire Water --- ---
091: Death Tiles 300 460 Boomerang Heal Berry --- All elements --- ---
092: Decarabia 1,200 750 Big Berry Big Berry --- --- All Elements ---
093: Deep One 320 460 Big berry Heal berry Lightning Ice --- Water
094: Dendrobium 2,800 900 War Respite Heal berry Fire Water --- ---
095: Devonova 3,000 2,000 Full Revive War Respite Earth --- Wind ---
096: Dimholnos 2,000 2,000 War Respite Heal Berry All Elements --- --- ---
097: DoomsDay 8,000 10,000 Full Revive Mega Berry --- All elements --- ---
098: Doppleganger 460 800 Big Berry Heal Berry --- --- --- ---
099: Drawdo ??? 5,000 Blue Wind Mega Berry Earth, Fire --- Dark Water
100: Dryad 100 60 Antidote Heal Berry Fire Water --- ---

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