Once you have defeaten the Non-Entity, you will
arrive in the Shadow Land. Save your game here.
This is the final stretch to Silver Armlet. Go right
and defeat all of the monsters in the area. This will
drop a chest wil a Gold Key. Go right then down. |
Defeat the Knight and the Bomber. Flip the switch
to stop the gyser, then go up the stairs and throw a
bomb on the button to open the door on the left.
Flip the switch again so that the gyser turns back
on. Summon Shade through the Mirror then go
through the door. Go up the stairs and unlock the
Gold Door. Go through it. |
Use the Dark Claw to grab the stake on the other
side. Press the button then use Dark Claw again to
go back over. Go back inside and jump down. Press
the button to release a chest. Go up the stairs and
grab the Red Key. Take the door again and use
Dark Claw to get to the left side. Release Shade
and go up. Use a Light Ball on the Slimes to summon
Dytto. Go left and down. |
Let the sparks and the Spirit's Ghost run into the
fire to kill themselves. Then douse the fire. Go down
the stairs then to the left. Go to the middle and
defeat the Raptor, then the Beam Eyes, then the
Flame (destroy the Flame with the Ali Knife). This
will drop a chest with the last Red Gem. Destroy the
ice and go on. Place a bomb on the button to release
many bombs. Survive it and you'll get a Shade
Call. Defeat the Zombies and move up. |
Defeat the gauntlet of attackers and unlock the
Red Door at the end. Defeat the Soldiers and
light the two torches. Go up and defeat the rest
of the troops to make a chest with a Gold Key drop.
Grab it and enter the door to the upper left, ignoring
the switches for now. |
More platforms. Watch out for those pesky flies
in this one. They can sap the life out of you. Jump
on the immobile platform and press the button. Go
to the lower right corner and press the button. Ride
the platform to the upper right side and press the
button. Light the torch and ride to the upper left
platform. Press the button and light the torch to open
the door. Go through the door. |
Go around to the next door. Ignore the Knight for
now and go down. Defeat the Blobs in the room and
press Green Button (they will keep coming unless
you do so). Go out the door. Go right and up to
the chest with a Green Key. Summon Dytto through
the water (you'll need her). Go back down and
left. Jump down the hole. Flip the switch so that it
points right. Jump down and flip the switch on the
left so that it points left. The lefts point left, the
point right. This will open the door. Go in and
grab the Blue Key. |
Go back up the stairs and make your way to the
Green Door in the upper right side. Once inside,
be prepared for a lot of wizards (this is tough, which
is why I had you Summon Dytto). Have her Heal
you when needed. Defeat the Wizards and the
door will open with 2 chests dropped, one with an
Omega Sword, and the other with an Orange
Mushroom. Go through the door. |
Push the two boulders on the side buttons and step
on the last one to drop a Mirror. Summon Shade
and use Doppleganger to show the Warp Portal.
Use a Light Ball on it and it will take you to another
place. Go left and Summon Shade again through the
Mirror. Go right and stand on the button. Use
Doppleganger and step on the 2nd button. This will
release 2 chests, one containing a Red Key, and
the other containing the last Blue Gem. |
Jump down off the ledge and take the right door.
Go right and down and continue down through the
door. Fall down the pit and when you land, use the
Blue Key on the door. Go through the door and
right. Defeat the swordsman then summon Shade
through the ice. Destroy the ice and go up. Defeat
the monsters and jump over the spikes to the
button. Defeat the Spirit's Ghost and the raptor.
Go right. |
Kill the bombers and use the Dark Claw to go to
the left. Kill those bombers as well. Throw some
Hyper Bombs on the Knight below and kill him. This
will drop 2 chests, one on the left and one on the
right. Use Shade's Dark Claw to get the last Black
Gem and a Green Gem. Go left and jump down the
edge. Kill the Archer and the Spirit's Ghost. Release
Shade and summon Bow to open the grate. Enter
and go left. Summon Shade and destroy the Ice.
Save and go up the stairs. |
Use Shade's Doppleganger and make your way
up to the button. This will stop any attacks that
prevent you from advancing. It will aslo kill the
troops on the sides. Cancel the Doppleganger and
defeat the enemies. Run up and grab the last Green
Gem. Now if you wish to go back, there is a warp
back at the drop off that will take you back up, then
you can go back to the beginning of the level and
use the Warp to go back to Mt. Allat. But I think
you are ready. Just step outside, save, go left to
Summon Dytto, then go back and open the Red
Door. |
Enter and Silver Armlet will be waiting for you. He
talks a bit then he summons some monsters. Kill
them and he will now attack. Silver Armlet is fast,
and he can summon monsters to attack. Your best
bet is to trap him by the doorway and keep slashing
with the Omega Sword. Your best bet is to hit him
when he tries to summon a monster. Just keep
Slashing and let Dytto take care of the other
monsters with her Magic Storm. Keep it up and
Silver Armlet will soon fall. He says that Ali has
defeated him, but Agito has already arisen. |
Enter the door and Agito will be right there waiting.
Make sure to look left and right for tentacles,
because while they are up, the head of Agito cannot
be harmed. Watch out for the Kamekaze Slime as
well, as they will explode very quickly. When the
head is vulnerable, use Sword Melee on him to do
some major damage. Keep killing the tentacles and
Sword Meleeing him. After about many shots with
the Omega Sword, Agito will finall fall. |
After the battle, Silver Armlet's reveals his
(or HER trueself). Silver Armlet this whole time
was Ali's Elder Syster Gwyn. She says that she
was possessed by Agito and the Silver Armlet.
The Spirits then come and say that they must stay
in the Shadow land. Gwyn also decides to stay
atone for the trouble she caused. Ali takes the warp
out and the Gold Armlet falls off his arm. |
Watch the ending as Ali heads home. Watch the
ending scenes and you'll even see an upclose look
at Gwyn (her brother does kinda resemble him).
Congratulations. You finished the game... |
Also I might as well show you that after the staff
rolls, you get to see the final results. This includes
the Time, Rank (how many Hearts you collected),
Max HP, Max SP, Deaths, Kills, Jewels, and what
the game gives you for a Class (based off your
Rank). The Lower the rank, the better the class.
Here are my results. |