Once outside, release Dytto if you still have her.
Wait until your HP and SP are restored before going
on. Once they are, head left. It is pretty straight
forward, just run across the pond. Exit the left side. |
Upon entering the Mountain Fort, you will be
attacked by Gold Guards. Get out of their way
quickly and then kill them. Go left and up the stairs.
Kill the Gold Bombers on both sides and continue
upward. Defeat the Knight up there and go up the
stairs on the right up to the door. |
The door will shut behind you and you are now
faced with a few troops. Wait for them to group up
then start slashing at them. Grab the Gold Key from
the chest and take the door to the right. Grab the
Gold Key, the Lettuce, and the Hyper Bomb in
the chests and defeat the Beam Eyes. Go back out
to the last room and take the door on the left. |
Go around to the left door, ignoring the button.
Watch out for the Dark Knight charging, as well
as the wheel spikes. Defeat the Dark Knight and
grab the Gold Key from the chest. Go through the
left door and grab the Green Key. Fight your way
out of that room and back to the one you were just
in (with the Dark Knight). Open the Green door and
grab the Green and Blue Keys. Go back out and
to the door on the left again. Grab the Gold Key and
open the Green Door. |
Go right from the door and then down. Cross the
room of Snakes and Spikes to the door. Open it.
Grab the Gold and Blue Keys and the Blue Gem.
Now go back to the snake room and back another
room. Take the left path this time. |
Attack the Gray Ogre and Archers will start to show
up shooting Fire Arrows. Quickly defeat the Ogre
and the Archers (and the Knight that eventually
shows up). Open the chest with the ham and go
through the Blue Door. Bombs will fall from the
ceiling. Stand by one and then wait for a Bomber
to show up. Let him throw a bomb then run to the
right. Let the bombs cause a chain reaction which
will kill the bomber (pretty cool, huh?). Open the
door. |
Quickly kill the Bombers and move onto the next
room. Stay out of the Archer's arrows and let the
spears on the walls kill them. Crawl under the spears
on the left side and go through the door outside.
Kill the Gold Archer and Gold Swordsman, then
jump down from the left side of the stairs. Kill the
Gold Guard and enter the door. |
Stand in the middle and wait for the Wizards to
appear. Kill the one up top first (the Dark Wizard),
as this one can make a fireball appear anywhere
Ali stands. Defeat the other wizards and grab the
Red Key. Open the Blue door with your last Blue
Key. Defeat the Knights there (try to stay away from
the center of the room). After the Knights are dead,
go to the center of the room and Ogres will drop.
Defeat them and 4 chests will appear, containing a
Blue Gem, a Broad Sword, a Dytto Call, and a
Red Gem. |
Head back outside and defeat the Gold Guard
again. Jump to the right and go right until you see the
stairs again. Go up, defeating the Knight on your
way up. Open the Red Door and inside, get out
a Broad Sword and kill the Gargoyles. As you enter
the door, you hear a conversation. Listen closely.
Go down the stairs and defeat the Gold Knight to
end the battle. |