Once out of the Secret Pit, head right out of the
Zombie area. Go down a screen and then at the
bottom of the next screen, go right. You will be back
in the castle. Now with your Infinate Omega Sword,
you probably won't use your Ali Knife much more.
Try to enter the castle and you'll notice that it is
locked up. Oh crap. |
Fight your way to the lower part of the town. Enter
the building with the open door and talk to the
people inside. The kid says that there is a Shrine
in the northwest forest (though the game says
northeast for some reason) that has a monster that
will eat anything, including the gate blocking the
way to the castle. |
Head back to where you entered the Secret Pit.
This time, go right from it (again). On the next
screen, Summon Shade through the mirror and then
go back left. Go up the stairs and follor until you
reach the stake on the other side of the pit. Use
Dark Claw to reach it, then enter the Forest Shrine. |
First things first, take care of these Gargoyles. The
Omega Sword should make quick work of that.
Once dead, the door on the left will open. Take it.
Defeat the chest mimic inside with a bomb to reveal
the real chest with a Gold Key. Take it and light
the torch with the Omega Sword. Now go back
a room. Open the Gold Door on the right. Go
towards the next door and kill the Ogre to get
another Gold Key. Light the torch by the door and
open the door. |
Summon Shade through the ice and then destroy the
ice with the Omega Sword. Defeat the troops and
use Dark Claw to reach to the stake and grab the
Gold Key. Go right from the stairs to another area.
Defeat the Beam Eyes and open the door. Grab the
Blue Key and press the button to make 2 chests
drop. Go back two rooms and open the door with
the Blue Key (and light the torch). |
Great, more platforms. Light the campfire and hop
on the platform going left and right. Grab the Lettuce
and light the campfire. Now ride the platforms going
up. Jump on the left side and light the campfire,
then go to the right side and light that campfire. When
all 4 are lit, those big <insertnamehere> things
you saw in the Secret Pit show up. Defeat them to
open the door. Don't take it yet. Go right and open
the two chests that dropped down. One contains a
Black Gem. Also light the torch. |
Go back and take the door that opened. Light the
torch and grab the Gold Key in the chest. Go back
out and jump platforms to the left. Open the door.
Grab the Green Key and light the torch. Now head
back to the entrance room to the shrine and take
the left door again. Use the Green Key to unlock
the Green Door. |
Grab the Gold Key from the chest and go left.
Destroy the ice and go left to the next room. Defeat
those blobs of whatever (still can't think of a name)
which will drop a chest with a Red Key. You will
also notice a bit of water dropping from the ceiling.
Summon Dytto from it. Light the Torch and head
back right. Go up the stairs and douse the fire, then
open the next door. |
Light the torch and defeat the Zombies to open the
door. Go through the door and press the button.
Go back and you will notice a new door open to
the left. Crawl through it. Grab the Blue Key and
Light the torch. Blow up the upper wall with a Bomb
and it should break open. Crawl through it. Throw
a bomb on one button and run to the other to make
a chest drop with a Red Gem. Go back a room and
then take the right door again. Open the Blue Door.
Push a boulder on the button and grab the Red Key.
Go right and light the torch on your way. Take the
warp. |
Now go back to the entrance room and take the
right door again. Make your way back to the pit
room with the platforms. Go to the upper left door
and go through it. You will now notice that the door
is now open. Go through it and head left. Summon
Shade through the mirror and light the torch. Grab
the 3rd Red Key from the chest. With all the torches
lit, take the warp to the entrance room again. |
All the doors will be locked and you'll have to fight
another Rock Monster (what is this, #3?). Slash
him to death with your Omega Sword and hope that
Shade takes whatever damage you take. Keep
going and when the Rock Monster is dead, the
middle door will open up. Go through it. Open the
first Red door. Grab the Grapes and ignore the
Death Sword. Go through the next one. Summon
Dytto through the water droplets then go through the
door. |
The Grand Wizard is so rediculously easy that it
isn't even funny. Just take out your Infinate Atomic
Bow and shoot him twice. It is THAT SIMPLE. In
case you somehow misplaced your Atomic Bow,
get out your Omega Sword and stand on the
platform that orbits the Grand Wizard. Keep
slashing it and it will soon die. |
Go through the door at the top and use a Light
Ball on the Sealed Door. Go in and talk to Bow,
the Plant Spirit. This is the last spirit of the game,
and Bow is quite handy. He can attack, and eat
iron grates, as well as some enemies. Listen to the
instructions and you will be back outside. |