As you start up the game, you will see an intro scene
where an adventurer named Ali find himself an
Armlet made out of Gold, otherwise known as the
Gold Armlet. As Ali takes the Gold Armlet, a voice
speaks to him and tells him of its pair, the Silver
Armlet. |
This Silver Armlet is the evil of the two Armlets and
will lead the world of Oasis into ruin. The voice then
entrusts the Gold Armlet onto Ali, and tells him to
find the 4 Spirits. You then learn about the war of
the Gold and Silver Armlets. |
If you get bored, just press Start to go to the start
Screen. Input your name and your adventure
begins. The Island that Ali is on sinks and Ali barely
escapes. Enter the town when you have control. Talk
around town. There isn't much, but talk to the man
in front of the Fish then take the Fish (press B). |
Head up and you'll see people running and
screaming. Go see what is wrong and you will see
some monsters attacking. What a way to begin the
game. Your main concern is to defeat the Ogre.
Don't worry about the Caverats and the soldiers, as
they will keep coming back. Multi Kicks and Flip
Attacks will kill the Ogre the quickest. Keep up the
attacks to defeat the Ogre. |
After the fight, Ali goes to see his teacher. You
learn here that Ali is a Prince. He says to go to the
Castle and find out if they had been attacked or not.
Open the chest (attack it) and grab the Cheese. |
Head left from the village. You will now be freely
attacked by different types of monsters. For now,
stay out of the water. Make your way left until you
have to go to another screen (by now, you've
probably noticed that this plays somewhat like the
Legend of Zelda... in a way). Go left until you reach
a castle wall. Enter the town. |
There isn't much to do in this town. Talk around if
you want, but you won't get much information. Head
up the stairs and into the castle. |
Head up and take the stairways to the left. There
is 4 treasure chests there, containing a Fish, an
Orange, a Bow, and a Sword. Keep in mind the
number on the weapon. This represents the number
of times you can use this item. The Ali Knife and
5 other weapons in the game are the only ones you
can use forever, but you won't find the other 5
until later. |
Head back up the stairs and up the stairs on the
Make your way left and up the stairs. Head to the
Throne Room in the middle and talk to the King. He
tells you to find the Spirit in the Water Shrine to the
east. Talk to the Princess and she tells you to check
out the books in the room to the right. She also heals
your HP. The books offer tips for the game. Check
them out or visit the rest of my shrine for even more
tips. |