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The Non-Entity
The Shadow Land

The Fire Spirit

Ok, now to find the Waterfall. Exit the castle town
through the east gate. Go east one scene, then take
the northeast exit (not the one leading to the village,
but the on north of it). Jump into the water and
Summon Dytto. Go to the Waterfall and she tells
you that her Magic Bubble can open the gate.
Use a Magic Bubble over the slightly visible door
to stop the waterfall. Enter the Waterfall Shrine.
Kill the bats quickly or else they will push you out.
If you wait for the fish to die on their own, they will
leave a Fish for you to pick up. Go on.
Avoid the Bats and Black Slimes and make your
way up. In the next area, jump down onto the lower
floor and go down. Kill the Bats and Dark Snakes
to get to the chests, one containing a Blue Gem
(remember that you can summon Dytto if you use
a Light Ball on the Blue Gem).
Go back up to the room where you were before. Go
up the two stairs, killing any Zombies in your way.
Avoid the flames and jump down the right cliff to the
chest with the Key. Pick up any other treasure in
there. On the top ledge is a weak wall. Keep
attacking it to bust it open. Crawl inside and open
the chest for a Bow that can be used 100 times.
Now go back and open the door on the left side of
the area.
Stand still until the Green Orge drops from the
ceiling. Back him up to the wall and Multi Kick him
to death. Grab the Gold Key that he leaves behind.
Push the ball up past the flames and onto the button
to activate the gyser. Summon Dytto through the
gyser and use a Magic Bubble on the fire. Grab the
Grapes in the chest and go through the door.
Defeat the Flame and grab the Grapes in the chest
in the upper right hand corner, then grab the Blue
Gem in the chest in the lower left hand corner.
Go to the upper left side and press the left button
to make a ball drop. Push the ball to the other
button to open the door. Use a Cheese or Fish
to heal up. Summon Dytto through the water and
go through the door.
You will now be face to face (literally) with your
next boss, the Black Skull. If you still have a Sword,
equip it. Wait for it to come out of the water and
start slashing away. I find it useful to have Dytto
use her Magic Storm because she might kill any
unwanted flames and even attack the Black Skull.
When the Black Skull's HP is about at 1/2, it will
start to attack you with its hands. Again, Dytto's
Magic Storm should take care of that. Keep up the
attacks and the Black Skull should fall. Go through
the door.
Open the magic door with a Light Ball and talk to
the cube. This is Efreet, the spirit of Fire and can
be summoned by any flame. Listen to the instructions
for him and you will be outside the Waterfall Shrine.
Once outside, go for the bridge. Crawl underneath
of it and have Efreet destroy the ice to reveal a chest.
Open the chest for a Red Gem.

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