Now you are on the mountain. This path leads to
Wall Fortress. Go left and up the stairs. Defeat the
Knight and continue. Go left and jump down to
another level. Defeat the Dark Knight and continue
upward. Keep going up until you reach the end,
then go right. Go down the stairs and kill any
monsters at the base. Go right to another screen. |
If you take the first stairs, you can summon Dytto
from the water on the walls. Take the route to the
far right. Go up 2 stairs and then go left to the chest
containing a Death Sword, the 2nd most powerful
sword in the game. Make your way to the top and
then to the left. Go down and jump down. You
should land on a ledge with a chest containing a
Blue Gem. Grab it, jump down, and go back up
again. This time, jump down to the left. Go up and
kill the Knights in your way. |
Make your way up to the top, killing anything on
your way. Note that it isn't a straight shot, and you
will have to go left a bit to get there. Once you
reach the entrance to the Wall Fortress, don't enter
just yet. Go to the far right and jump down. Open
the chest and grab the Red Gem from it. Go back
and enter the Wall Fortress. |
Wall Fortress is a tough zone. The wind blows fast
and the monsters are many. From the entrance, go
right. As you go right, a wall will appear and trap
you. Go left towards the flames. Hide behind the wall
until the Guards come. Kill them and then weave
around the flames (walking). Press the button and
the next wall will appear. Defeat the monsters in
this area to open the next wall. |
Keep going right while avoiding boulders. Go up the
stairs at the end and defeat both Ogres. Jump over
the Wheel Spikes and grab the chest with Garlic
in it. Press the button to open a wall and drop an
Ogre. Defeat the Ogre and go through the wall. Grab
the Broad Sword on you way out (which is on the
left). Continue going right. |
Go right until Beam Eyes start to drop. Head back
left and use your newfound Broad Sword to wipe
them out (make sure they are grouped together
closely so that you use less uses from the sword).
After they are gone, jump down to the right. Either
Summon Efreet by the Fire or use a Fire Bow to
light the 4 torches while the wind blows you. When
the 4 torches are lit, the next wall will open. Go right
and stand in between the two spike pits. They will
close in. Stay in the middle and defeat the monsters
and the next wall will soon open. |
Head right and up the stairs. Press the 1st green
button then walk over to the 2nd one. Ignore the
Ogres that drop. Throw a bomb on the left button
and quickly step on the right button. This will open
the door to the warp. Go right and you will soon
meet up with Silver Armlet again. He tells you that
there is a device in the fortress that will allow Ali to
move through time and space portals. But you have
to defeat his minions to do so. He then sends you
off into a pit. |
You are soon face to face with a Giant Turtle.
This boss isn't too tough if you still have that Death
Sword you found on the way up here. Equip it and
start running to the left. Avoid the rocks that it spits
out and keep running when it tries to inhale you.
When it sticks out its "tounge" nail it with
Sword. Keep going and attacking the tounge and
it will eventually fall (gotta love that Death Sword). |
Grab the Warp Key from the chest. Now check
out that crack with a light in it. Now that you have
the Key, you can access it. How? Use a Light Ball
on it and it will open up. Warp out to the entrance
and then walk out. |