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The Gold Armlet
The Water Spirit
The Fire Spirit
The Enemy Campsite
Rock Beach Cave
Mountain Fortress
Wall Fortress
The Shadow Spirit
Secret Cliffs & Islands
The Secret Pit
The Plant Spirit
The Castle Basement
The Non-Entity
The Shadow Land

The Shadow Spirit

Once you are back outside Wall Fortrees, head
left from the stairs until you reach the left side of the
lowest edge. Jump down, go down, and jump down
again. Open the Portal with a Light Ball and jump
in. It will take you to the left side of the area. Go left.
Make your way to the left. It isn't that tough to get
lost here. You might want to Summon Dytto
through the water to help you with the many
monsters in the first set of stairs. Continue going
towards your left, killing anything on the way.
Be careful not to fall into the pit. If you do, you will
lose HP. Make your way left, trying to avoid the
monsters. When you reach a wall, go up. Defeat the
Knight and then go right. Defeat the Ogre and enter
the Volcano.
The Volcano is a pretty dark place. The Wizards
will make things tough for you, as they can show
up just about any place. Go left and down the stairs.
Grab the two chests behind the spikes for some
food. Go right and defeat the Wizard in the middle
of the lava pit for a Gold Key. Open the door.
First thing you do, kill the bats. This gets difficult,
as one wrong jump could cause you to go straight
to the bottom. From the top, jump left. Grab the
Pear and jump left again. Defeat the Knight and grab
the Green Key. Jump down and defeat the monsters
to make a portal appear. Go in it and it will take you
to the last room with the wizards. Enter the door and
jump down from the entrance in betwee the two
rocks. Open the Green Door.
Go left and fight the gauntlet of Black Troops.
Take them on one at a time, or else you will never
survive. Also, the a good fight would be to bring
them to the area near the door. After you defeat
them all, the spikes will be removed to the exit of
this area. Grab the chest with an Orange Mushroom
then go back right. Take the new warp to a chest
with the Red Key. Go back left and take the exit.
This next part is VERY difficult. Press the Green
button to activate another platform. Equip a Sword
and be ready for some Wizard bashing. Jump on the
first platform, then jump left to the next one. Jump
onto solid land and wait for the next platform to
come down. Jump on it and kill any Wizards on
the way up. Jump to the next platform on the right
and then jump right to solid ground. Open the chest
with Lettuce in it, and open the Red Door and meet
the Red Dragon!!!
This boss is pretty tough. You might want to have
Dytto around to heal you when you need it. Get
out a Sword. Avoid the Fireballs it throws at you
and go up to the head and Slash it. Watch out for
the flames it breathes. Try to get out of the way of
those. If you can land it, try to use Sword Melee,
else don't worry about it. Keep Slashing and after
about 850 HP (which is about 15 slashes with the
Broad Sword), the Red Dragon will die.
Ride the platform to the door, then use a Light
Ball to open it. Go up the alter and talk to the Cube.
This is Shade, the Spirit of Shadow. Shade is a
handy character to have, and can even save you
from pits if you fall down one. Shade only has 2
commands though, but it doesn't matter much.
It's not over yet though. The Volcano is erupting and
you have to escape. Get out of the Boss Room.
Use Shade's Dark Claw to reach the stakes on the
other side. Keep doing this to the next room. Reach
the stake again and take the warp. Open the chest
for a Red Gem (make sure to get it). Take the
warp and go through the door. Jump down and
take the warp. Go to the door. Jump down to the
left and grabble the stake. Go to the next room, then
jump down and crawl through the exit.

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