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The Secret Pit

Ah, the secret Pits. 100 levels of fun... and monsters.
This isn't gonna be easy. And not only that, you
can't use any items (yikes!). There is a way around
it though. If you still have a Dytto Call on you, drop
it and then use a Light Ball on it to summon her. Use
this only in emergencies where you need the HP.
Now, in these pits, you have to defeat the enemies
for the next pit to be revealed. You can always take
the stairs out if you are too tired to fight anymore.
Your Infinate Atomic Bow will be a great help to
you, just stay a ways away from the target. Once
you reach the 10th floor, you will hear the boss
music. Defeat the enemies and you will get an
Elixer and a warp that will take you to the 1st floor.
You will also have some of your HP restored to
take the strain off yourself a bit. Continue if you
When you reach the 20th floor, you will have to
face these flying <insernamehere>. I don't know
what you call these things, but the best thing to do
is to use your Hyper Bombs. The smaller they get,
the faster they get as well. When Hyper Bombs are
too slow for them, switch to the Ali Knife and take
them out. Your prize on this level is a Dytto Call.
Continue on or take the warp if you are a whimp.
Level 40, same thing (starting to notice a pattern
here?). Just Gremlins this time. Take care of them
quickly, as they may be small, but they can still hurt
you quick enough. Your reward here is an Efreet
Call. If you do not have a Sword, use the Efreet
Call and cast a Light Ball on it to make it an Omega
Sword (20 use). Go on, or are you chicken?
At the 40th floor are Gargolyes. If you have no
sword, this could be difficult. If you made an Omega
Sword with the Efreet call, good. Wipe out these
Gargoyles with whatever sword you have to make
things easier, since your arrows probably won't
do much. Your reward here is a Shade Call. C'mon,
only 60 more floors to go.
Level 50 (whew, 1/2 way there), you will have to
face wizards. The best way to win is to first defeath
the upper wizard with your Ali Knife, then go for
the other 3. Your Reward here is a Bow Call,
though right now you have no use for it and it will not
work either. Just hang onto it for now. Go on, you're
1/2 way through it already, don't quit now!
60th floor. Piece of cake. Just avoid the comets that
come crashing down. Walk in a figure 8 pattern
and you should have no problem. Your reward
for surviving is a Blue Gem. Now is a good chance
to call Dytto through the Blue Gem if you need
healing. Grab the Blue Gem and continue.
70th floor, 2 flames. Piece of cake... again. Just
use your Ali Knife and slash them when they come
near. It is THAT simple. Your Reward this time is
a Red Gem. Grab it. Go on, don't chicken out now.
Is it just me, or are these fights getting a bit easier
each time? Well, maybe not, these bats have high
HP. Floor 80 and you are surrounded by bats. Just
use your Ali Knife and slash them all to death. Your
reward is a Black Gem. Continue if you think that
you are man enough to survive.
Ok, 90th floor, and you're surrounded by Raptors.
By this time, I decided to have Efreet help me out
with the fights (especially ones with those flies).
Anyways, hopefully you still have a Sword left. Use
it on those Raptors. Else try to throw a Hyper Bomb
at them. Your reward here is a Green Gem, which
although you don't have Bow yet, you can still take.
10 more floors. Going on?
Ding! 100th floor. Hope you have health insureance,
because now you have to reface the Rock Monster
from the Rock Beach Cave. This won't be an easy
fight, just like last time. If you have a Sword, use
it. Just keep slashing away until his HP is at half.
When it is at half, use Dytto's Magic Storm or
Efreet's Melt Bomber to stop him. Continue slashing
and the Rock Monster should soon fall. Your final
reward is the Infinate Omega Sword. Discard of
any other swords you might have. Take the warp
out. Take the stairs and you are free.

(c)2006 All materials are copyrighted by their respective authors. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and publishers. No infringement on any existing copyright is intended. All rights reserved.