Now with your new mission, you have to follow the
flag. Head back to the village and this time, take the
exit going right. Go right and then go up the stairs.
Continue right. |
Make your way right and down the stairs. Defeat
the group of Cave Rats and make your way down.
Go up the stairs and you'll run into some stronger
troops. They fight the same as their weaker ones, but
take a little longer to kill. Using the Key that the
King gave you, open the door to the Water Shrine.
Save and enter. |
Open the chest and grab the key. Unlock the door.
Run and jump kick the archers to avoid their arrows.
Kill them to open the door and grab the Ham before
going on. Defeat the Dark Troops and go up the
stairs. Defeat the Dark Ogre and his troops to get
the Key. Before opening the door, get the chest on
the right containing a Sword. |
Unlock the door and you'll be in a room full of
slimes. One of the Red Slimes has a Key. Find it
and defeat it. Unlock the door. Head to either the
left or right side beside the door. You'll soon start to
see a wave of water sweep you away. Run and
when you hear a noise, jump. Keep jumping over the
waves until you reach the door. Equip a Sword then
enter. |
Ali will be shut in with a huge Crab. Crab Nabber
is a tough monster to fight. The thing to watch out
for is the huge claw, but with your Sword, you
should be able to kill it in 4 shots. Wait for the claw
to come to you, then slash it with the sword. If you
get a chance, Sword Melee can defeat the claw
quickly. Once the Claw is defeated, go for the body
with the sword. Watch out for the bubbles and go
for the back. When it jumps, get in front of it and
prepare for a Sword Melee (or just attack if you are
having trouble with it). |
After defeating the Crab Nabber, you can finally
go on. Enter the door and a voice will tell Ali to
show her the light ball. You now will have SP, so
when you press 'A', you will shoot a Light Ball.
Press 'A' to open the door. Go in and talk to Dytto,
which is in the cube. Dytto will then join your team.
Read the Instructions and then you will be outside
of the shrine. |
Head west back to the village. Make sure not to
waste a lot of SP with any Spirit, since your SP
probably isn't too high right now. Once in the village,
take the west exit. Summon Dytto by shooting a
Light Ball into the river (if you don't have her with
you anymore). Jump into the water. Hold 'C' then
walk into the hole under the bridge (when you hold
C and move, you crawl. Have Dytto use a Magic
Bubble on the flame to douse it to reveal a chset.
Open the chest for a Blue Gem. Each Spirit has 15
Gems, and each will raise its power. |
Now that you know what to look for in Gems, time
to continue. Head west back into the castle. Talk to
the King again and he will tell Ali to go back east
and look in the Waterfall, where he feels there
must be another spirit there. Walk out of the castle. |