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Chapter 4

The first thing you should notice about Pink Station is that there is a chest in the upper-right corner of it. Open it up to find the Mailbag.
Now go to the path on the right. When you are sprung up to the upper level, head to the left to grab the Defend Plus Badge.
Now, keep going right until you seemingly reach a dead end here. If you notice, every once in a while, a Shy Guy pops out of this wall. Go up against the wall and press up, and when a Shy Guy comes through, you will get to the other side.
Now, it's just a simple matter of going all the way to the right and opening up the chest containing Tayce T's Frying Pan.
Return to Blue Station and exit into Toad Town. Return the Mailbag to the Post Office to receive a Star Piece for a reward.
Give Tayce T. her Frying Pan back, and she'll be able to cook again. In fact, she'll be so happy, she'll cook Mario up a Cake.
Go back to Pink Station and take the left path. You'll come across Gourmet Guy...a rather...large Shy Guy. Give him your cake, and he'll spaz out, and fly away in cakey happiness. He'll leave a Cookbook behind, and he will no longer be blocking the path.
Cross the tracks and head off to the right. At the end is a lever. Pull it and you'll fix the track, allowing you access to the Green Station.
Go to Green Station and head off to the right. To get past this fence, you'll have to have Bow as your partner. Her invisibility skill will allow you to pass through the fence.
Be sure to beat the Shy Guy running around near the fence. He has the Mystery Note with him.
Go right to encounter the Slot Machine. Generally, playing it is a waste of time, and you end up fighting Shy Guys often, but it might be fun if you're bored. =P
When you reach the columns that rise and fall, climb onto the upper-right most column and wait for it to fall as low as it can. Now go right into this room, and collect the Star Piece here.
Go back to the columns, and climb up to the blue column that goes the highest. At the peak of its height, use Parakarry to fly over to the roof of the building.
You'll find Russ T.'s dictionary here.
Return to Toad Town, and give Tayce T. the Cookbook. She'll now be able to combine two ingredients. Now go to Russ T.'s house (near the pipe leading to Mario's house), and give him the Dictionary and Mystery Note. He'll give you a Star Piece and translate the Mystery Note.
Return to Green Station and hit these blocks in the order Russ T. told you to (Yellow, Green, Red, Blue) with your hammer.
The track will be fixed again, and you'll be able to reach Red Station.

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