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Intermission (2-3)

When the game returns to Mario, Mamar, the freed Star Spirit, will raise Mario's Star Energy and give him Lullaby, a new ability.
Head through the desert until you encounter Kolorado. Give him the Artifact you found in the Ruins, and he'll give you a Star Piece in return.
Make your way back through Mt. Rugged, and when you reach the first area, go just left of where Parakarry joined, and smash the block with your hammer. You'll find your third Super Block here.
Return to Toad Town via the train, and head up to Merluvlee's place near Shooting Star Summit. Another mysterious treasure chest is here. This is where you can pick up any items Peach drops in her chest.
After taking care of whatever business you have in town (such as buying new badges), head back to Toad Town Sewers.
Smash the block just to the left of the entrance, and you'll find yourself in a fight against an Electro Blooper. This is similar to the last Blooper, but it can become electrified, which causes damage to you when you touch it. Using Mario's "Hammer Throw" or Parakarry's "Shell Shot" can de-electify him though.
When you defeat Electro Blooper, a switch will appear. Hitting this switch reveals three pipes. The one on the right leads to Goomba Village, the middle one leads to Koopa Village, and the one on the right leads to Dry Dry Outpost. Now that you can easily travel to these towns, deliver any letters Parakarry has, and return.
Go left into the next room, grab the treasure, and go left into the next room. Head left one more time, and collect the Power Smash Badge.
Go back right into this room. There are two exits off to the right, but the lower one leads to a dead-end (for now). Hop on the platform, and wait for the other platform to rise (watch out for the Spiked Gloombas). Quickly hop on the second platform and then onto the ledge.
In the room to the right, you have to ride up moving platforms. Instead of jumping off to the ledge, keep going up, and you'll find a hidden room!
Fall down the pit on the right part of the hidden room, and you'll find another Super Block. Update your last member, and jump in the pipe.
Ride up the platforms again, but jump onto the ledge. Now use Parakarry to take you to the right portion of the room, where you'll find another Star Piece.
Return to Toad Town, and head to the right of Tayce T.'s, where you'll find a spooked guard who saw a ghost. Talk to him, and head to the right. Now, talk to the Boo there, and enter the Forever Forest to start Chapter 3.

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