Time for another cut-scene in Peach's Castle. Here, Peach will meet Twink, the Star Kid. Twink is very young, so he's not able to grant big wishes yet, but he's still quite loyal. |
Peach will instruct Twink to deliver Mario the Lucky Star, which will allow Mario to use the Action Command. |
When you can control Mario again, head to the left until you find Twink. He will give you the Lucky Star and you'll be able to use the Action Command, which is a fancy name for the timed hits that can block enemy attacks, as well as increase the power of offensive attacks. |
A Magikoopa will pick a fight with Mario now. If you are good at the Action Command, this will be a very easy fight. If you're not good at it, it still won't be too tough. |
Head back into town, and visit Merlon in the house with the spinning roof. He'll proceed to tell Mario a VERY interesting story. |
Finally, he'll get to the point, and instruct Mario on what to do next. |
When you head to the right, four mysterious toads will block your path, and tell you to turn back. |
Go back to Merlon and talk to him (make sure you don't talk to him over the counter). He'll smell a rat and accompany you to the four toads. |
Using his magic, Merlon reveals that the toads were the Koopa Bros. in disguise. They'll scurry back to their fortress after their disguise is revealed. Head to the right and Chapter 1 begins! |