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Chapter 7

The Crystal Palace is seperated into two parts, a near side, and a far side. You'll start on the near side. Things you do can effect similar things on the opposite side, so keep that in mind. Anyway, you'll see a doorway leading down when you first enter. Go in that door and continue along the path to find the Blue Key.
Go back near the entrance, and hit this switch to reveal the Blue Door. Now use the key you found to unlock it.
Keep going to the right (use Bombette to blast through the cracked wall), until you see a gap in the glass. Now, walk through it to enter the "far side". Now go back toward the entrance.
If you exit out the palace on the far side, you will be able to find a small cave with a Star Piece in it.
Near the entrance on the far side, go through the door leading up. At the end of the path, you'll find a Shooting Star.
Just outside the room with the Shooting Star, you'll see a panel you can Tornado Jump through.
Go down the hole you created, and you'll find the P-Down, D-Up Badge.
Now, return to the entrance on the near side. Go in the door heading south again. This time, you'll notice a hole where the x used to be. This was opened when you smashed the panel on the far side.
Drop down the hole and blow up the wall with Bombette. Suddenly, a whole horde of Duplighosts imitating Bombette will appear. You'll have to smash the imposters one by one with your hammer. If you get rid of all the imposters, you'll avoid a battle, and get a kiss from Bombette, so it's well worth your effort to do so. By the way, the real Bombette is the one that's second from the right.
After getting rid of the imposter Bombettes, go into the room you just blasted open, and collect the Red Key.
Return to the Palace's entrance again, and hit the switch to reveal the Red Door. Now use the Red Key to unlock it.

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