Intermission (5-6)
As you arrive back at Toad Town, so too will Jr. Troopa. He has 40 HP, but he used up 20 HP to swim here. =P Anyway, you can't jump on him (unless you equip the Spike Shield Badge) or reach him with your hammer, so use Hammer Throws and your partners' abilities to beat him. Since he has such low HP, he'll lose in no time. |
Go near the entrance of Toad Town. You'll see a pool which Sushie can swim in. Swim over to the left side of it, grab the Star Piece, and then enter the pipe on the island, which houses a Super Block. |
If you head toward Pleasant Path (the path that leads to Koopa Village and Koopa Bros. Fortress), Kolorado will warn you of a bully blocking the path...maybe you should check it out? |
Kent C. Koopa is here, and he won't let anybody pass unless they pay him 100 coins. I wouldn't suggest paying him...if you need to go to Koopa Village, you can use the shortcut in Toad Town Sewers. If you fight and beat him, he will be gone forever, but that's easier said than done, and you may not be strong enough to fight him yet. If you do want to try, save first, and go at him with full HP and FP. Sleepy Sheep and the Lullaby Star Power can put him to sleep. Good luck! |
Now go into Toad Town Sewers and head left. After going through the pipe, take the lower-path to the right. Here's a room you couldn't get through before, because it was blocked by metal blocks. Break them and you'll find a Super Block. |
Back at the entrance to Toad Town Sewers, drop down the hole and head left. Remember that Super Block you found earlier, but couldn't use it? Now's your chance. |
Go back to the right, and enter the water with Sushie. Also, be sure your HP, FP and Star Energy are full... |
It's time to fight Super Blooper, the last, and largest, Blooper. He's not too hard, really. When he summons Baby Bloopers, use Star Storm to take care of them quickly. When he flashes red, use Bow's Outta Sight. Also, Bow's Fan Smack is useful here, if you have her Ultra Ranked. When you win, the shortcut to Yoshi's Village will be opened. |
Now, continue along the sewers along the only path you can take. When you reach this area, use Bombette to blast a hole in the wall. |
Welcome to Rip Cheato's place. As his name suggests, most of the stuff he sells you is a waste of money, but he does sell some good stuff ocasionally. |
Exit out the pipe and you'll be in the Odd House. Grab the key and unlock the door to return to Toad Town. You can now go through this pipe anytime as a shortcut to Rip Cheato's, and the depths of Toad Town Sewers. |
Give any remaining Magical Seeds you have to Minh T. If you missed some, they are located in Toad Town, Mt. Rugged, Forever Forest, and Jade Jungle. Once all four are planted, a doorway to Flower Fields will open up. Enter the door to start Chapter 6. |