Go back to the right until you see another metal block. Use your Ultra Hammer to smash the block, and enter the room. |
In this room, you will find the Dizzy Stomp Badge. Rar. Now return to the "pulley room" |
Jump on the springboard at the bottom of the pulley room, and you'll be propelled here. Now that you have the Ultra Hammer, you can smash this block that's in your way, and enter the room. |
Ride down the pulley here until you see this spot of light. If you let go right at the light, you'll land on a ledge with a Super Block. After using the Super Block, go back up and ride all the way down the pulley. |
In this room, you'll be chased by a giant spiked ball, Indiana Jones style. Quickly run out of its way. |
In the next room, go all the way to the right, and push the block as far left as it can go. Now, go up the steps, and smash all the metal blocks that are holding up the spiked ball. |
After freeing the spiked ball, run away, fast. Just as you reach the dead-end, dive down to the lower part of the screen. Kolorado will get run over, but he doesn't seem TOO hurt... |
In the next room, Kolorado will "smell treasure" and run to the right. If you follow him, you'll find that his explorer intuition was a bit off...Nothing to do but go back left, and then down. Heal up and continue right along the lower path. |
You'll have to fight the Lava Piranha. I'd suggest taking out the Lava Buds first, as they can do some serious damage. Once they're out of commission, concentrate on the Lava Piranha itself. |
After defeating it once, it will come back, and now it's fire-powered. The Fire Shield and Ice Power Badges are really helpful here. Use attacks that attack all of them first, so the Lava Buds won't have time to create Petit Piranhas. Then use strong jump attacks on the Lava Piranha, if you're equipped with the Ice Power Badge. |
Yay! You've rescued Misstar! The chapter's over! ...Or is it? |
Before we can call it quits on this chapter, you'll have to hurry and escape the volcano before it explodes. Once you do escape, the chapter officially ends. |