Chapter 25: Pale Flower of Darkness
![](image/ch25_e_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Seize the throne |
Kenneth |
13 |
Harken/Karel |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
Aura, Bolting, Chest Key |
Lockpick |
Talisman, Blue Gem, Guiding Ring |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
10 Mage, 5 Wyvern Rider, 3 Shaman, 2 Monk, 1 Bishop, 1 Druid, 1 Sage, 1 General |
6 Wyvern Rider, 2 Mage, 1 Monk, 1 Shaman, 1 Thief, 1 Hero(Harken) |
Like chapter 23, this chapter also has two different maps. You'll get Kenneth's map if the sum of your magic user's levels is higher than the sum of your weapon user's levels, and you'll get Jerme's map if it's the other way around.
To get Harken, you must NOT defeat 3 or more promoted enemy units by the end of the 9th turn.
To get Karel, you must defeat 3 or more promoted enemy units by the end of the 9th turn.
The enemies in this chapter are a bit harder than before, make your army into 2 small groups, one going through the building, one guard Merlinus. For the group going through the building, move fast and reach the chest before turn 9. Otherwise, an enemy thief will show up and steal everything.
Boss Strategy:
Kenneth has a lot of resistance, so bring a unit who uses weapon instead of magic to attack him.
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