Chapter 24: Unfulfilled Heart
![](image/ch24_e_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Your Lord must survive for 11 turns |
Vaida |
15 |
Louise(automatic), Pent(automatic) |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
Luna |
Knight Crest |
Hammerne |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
5 Wyvern Rider, 5 Brigand, 3 Nomad, 2 Shaman, 1 Archer, 1 Mage, 1 Cavalier, 1 Sage, 1 Knight, 1 Monk, 1 Myrmidon |
8 Wyvern Rider |
Armory | Vendor |
Killing Edge | 1300 G | Heal | 600 G |
Killer Lance | 1200 G | Mend | 1000 G |
Javelin | 400 G | Elfire | 1200 G |
Killer Axe | 1000 G | Shine | 900 G |
Hand Axe | 300 G | Flux | 900 G |
Killer Bow | 1400 G |   |   |
Louise and Pent will join you and give you your first Heaven Seal.
First thing, don't go near Vaida, not only you'll have a small chance of winning, If you kill her now, you won't be able to get her on your team later.
Try to stay together, and slowly move your Lords south around the mountains and reunit them with your main force. On your way down, lure the Shaman in by move into his attack range and get the luna he's carring. Send 2-3 strong units to the south western village to get the Hammerne, it can repair any weapon to it's full usage.
Boss Strategy:
DON'T FIGHT HER! Stay out of her attack range. You'll have little chance of winning, plus she'll join you later.
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