Chapter 25: Crazed Beast
![](image/ch25_h_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Earn 3 points(have 3 units wait at each gate) |
Pascal |
13 |
Farina(hire with 20,000 gold) |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
Divine |
None |
Elysian Whip |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
11 Pirate, 4 Cavalier, 4 Monk, 3 Archer, 2 Pegasus Knight, 1 Bishop, 1 Warrior |
23 Cavalier, 10 Monk, 8 Pegasus Knight, 5 Pirate |
Vendor: | Armory: |
Ment | 1000 G | Steel Sword | 600 G |
Thunder | 700 G | Steel Lance | 480 G |
Lightning | 630 G | Steel Axe | 360 G |
Flux | 900 G | Steel Bow | 720 G |
There are a lot of enemies, but it's not a very hard chapter, plus you get Farina this chapter which will help out alot. The objective for this chapter is to have your units wait at all the gates at least once, not necessarily at the same time.
First move your units down to where Merlinus is, then send a strong flying unit(preferably a pegasus/falcon knight) to the upper village before the enemies destroy it.
Then, send some sword users left to fight those pirates, send high defence units up to take care of the cavaliers, and use pegasus/falcon knights to where the monks are.
Physic staves really do come in handy, as will as those ballistas.
1 Pirate(lower right corner), 2 Monk(upper right gate), 2 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 2nd turn
1 Pirate(lower right corner), 2 Monk(upper right gate), 2 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 3rd turn
2 Monk(upper right gate), 2 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 4th turn
2 Monk(upper right gate), 2 Cavalier(upper left gate), 2 Pegasus Knight(upper right corner) before your 5th turn
2 Monk(upper right gate), 2 Pegasus Knight(upper right corner) before your 6th turn
2 Pegasus Knight(upper right corner) before your 7th turn
2 Pegasus Knight(upper right corner), 3 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 9th turn
3 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 10th turn
3 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 11th turn
3 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 12th turn
3 Cavalier(upper left gate) before your 13th turn
3 Pirates(lower left gate) appear when your units are near the gate
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