Chapter 2: Sword of Spirits
![](image/ch2_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Seize the throne |
Glass |
3 |
None |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
None |
Vulnerary |
None |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
5 Brigand |
None |
There is a short cut to the throne room. Attack the cracked wall on the left side of the building from outside, when the wall's hp reachs 0, you can go through from there. This is the only way for Sain and Kent to get inside the building since cavaliers can't travel on mountains.
Boss Strategy:
Use Kent and Sain and attack him with iron lance.
Note: you get the sword Mani Katti for Lyn after you beat this chapter.
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