Chapter 17: Pirate Ship
![](image/ch17_e_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Survive For 11 Turns Or Defeat Leader |
Zoldam |
11 |
None |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
Red Gem, Pure Water, Longsword, Guiding Ring |
Speedwings, Vulnerary X3, Pure Water X2 |
None |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
8 Mercenary, 8 Shaman, 1 Archer |
6 Mercenary, 4 Myrmidon, 3 Shaman, 2 Pegasus Knight |
Vendor | Armory |
Vulnerary | 300 G | Iron Sword | 460 G |
Door Key | 50 G | Steel Sword | 600 G |
Heal | 600 G | Steel Lance | 480 G |
Mend | 1000 G | Javelin | 400 G |
Fire | 560 G | Steel Axe | 360 G |
Thunder | 700 G | Hand Axe | 300 G |
Lightning | 630 G | Iron Bow | 540 G |
Flux | 900 G | Steel Bow | 720 G |
Not a hard chapter, especially if you used the Arena. Block the enemies on the eastern ship by taking over the bridges, and fight your way to the boss on the western ship. Have Matthew steal the speedwings from the boss if you can.
Remember to buy any magic books and weapons that you need, but I do recommend that you save money for chapter 19 where you'll be able to buy killer weapens from the secret shop.
Boss Strategy:
Very high resistance, but low defense, so attack with your high strength units with decent resistance.
1 Myrmidon, 1 Mercenary(staircase on the eastern ship) after enemy's 2nd turn
2 Shaman(staircase on the western ship) after enemy's 4th turn
2 Mercenary, 1 Myrmidon, 1 Shaman(southern ship) after enemy's 7th turn
2 Pegasus Knight(southern sea), 2 Mercenary(staircase on the southern ship), 1 Myrmidon(bottom of eastern ship) after enemy's 8th turn
1 Mercenary(staircase on the eastern ship), 1 Myrmidon(top of eastern ship) after enemy's 9th turn
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