Chapter 13: In Search of Truth
![](image/ch13_e_n.gif) |
Objective |
Boss |
Units allowed |
Units gained |
Seize the Castle Gate |
Boies |
10 |
Guy(speak with Matthew) |
Items droped by emeny |
Items that you can steal from enemy |
Chest/Village |
None |
None |
Mine, Torch |
Initial Enemy |
Reinforcements |
1 Brigand, 4 Soldier, 1 Mercenary, 4 Archer, 1 Myrmidon(Guy) |
2 Brigand, 2 Archer, 3 Soldier |
Vendor | Armory |
Vulnerary | 300 G | Iron Sword | 460 G |
Heal | 600 G | Javelin | 400 G |
  |   | Hand Axe | 300 G |
  |   | Iron Bow | 540 G |
Again, not hard. First remember to send a unit to the upper left village to unlock chapter 13x side quest and get the torch. Move your main army down and finish any enemy that's on this side of the river, but never step into Guy's attack range because he can attack you with a critical hit and finish off your units, and even if someone survived his attack, your units might accidentally kill Guy when counter attacking him. So after you finish off all other annoying enemy units, move Matthew in and have him talk to Guy.
Boss Strategy:
Hector with Wolf Beil is great against him.
1 Brigand(fortress near Guy) after enemy's 2nd turn
1 Brigand(fortress near Guy) after enemy's 3rd turn
1 Soldier, 1 Archer(lower right fortress) after enemy's 4th turn
1 Soldier, 1 Archer(lower right fortress) after enemy's 5th turn
1 Soldier(lower left fortess) after enemy's 6th turn
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