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Darkness and Despair

Now return to the Real World. Use the Reigns of Pegasus to take off and head to the Dark World.

Welcome to Deathtamoor's World of Darkness, Doom, and Gloom.
Upon casual observation, your Max Hp is now 1 and Max Mp 0. All of your stats are at 0 too. That's probably a bad sign. BUT! There's a town to the northeast, so head there. Note: Until you recover your stats, do NOT use any Statistic boosting items. They won't do anything and will be wasted.
Yes, welcome to the Despair Town. Search this little side of hell to find a Small Medal (another is under the central cross in the northern part of town that you cannot reach yet), a Nut of Life, Wing of the Wyvern, and a Defense Seed.
The Priest in the inn will tell you that everyone in this world used to live either in the Real World or the Dream World. However, Deathtamoor brings people here to watch them suffer, and he draws his energy from their negativity.
If you head upstairs in the pub, you'll find this demon walking around. He guards this town and asks if you have a problem with that. Answering yes starts a fight with a Killer Jack which might prove rather difficult considering you only have 1 Hp and no Mp. If you're relatively strong though, you should be able to kill him rather easily.
Talk to the woman at the map where you see some people resting. She'll ask you to bring hope to the people.
The Priest also wants you to try to, but he's not sure how you can convince the villagers.
On the western side of town, you'll find some stairs going down. Head down and talk to the old man who wants to make armor again. The Hero will tell him that he's here on his own free will and to defeat Deathtamoor. The man won't believe him at first but decides to anyways. He tells you that he'll believe you if you bring him his tools from the Real World. The old man hands you his Rusted Pipe and tells you to give that to his wife in Zaxon Village. He'll tell you that his name is Clark Ende, the missing blacksmith. Now leave the town.
You probably heard talk of a hot springs to the west while in the Despair Town. Head west to get there.
People feel much stronger here, and no one knows why a comfortable place like this exists in a world so full of despair. Search the dressers for a Piece of Cloth and a Wing of the Wyvern. When you're ready, stand in the line forming to enter the hot springs.
The current will sweep you north and then east.
Instead of continuing to follow the current, once you get past the rock, try heading southwest, and you'll fight the current somewhat. Aim for the opening that you'll see and head inside.
Inside the cavern, you'll find a well. Examine it.
You'll repair in the Real World. However, all of your stats are still in the same horrible position. Take Pegasus up north to Zaxon Village.
Show the Rusted Pipe to the dog standing in front of the building. It'll recognize it and lead you inside.
Ende's wife will realize that Ende has sent you here.
She'll give you Ende's Tools which will cheer Ende right back up once you show them to him. Now leave Zaxon and head back to the Dark World and to Despair Town.
Talk to Ende, and he'll ask if those are his tools. Give them back to him, and he'll be much happier. Also, he'll ask if his wife is still alive. Tell him that she is, and he'll be very happy to hear that.
Before you leave, Ende offers to make you a piece of equipment. I strongly suggest getting the Helmet over the others. Once you have decided, he'll ask you to rest.
When you wake up the next morning, the equipment piece you wanted will be next to the bed. After grabbing it, leave Ende's home.
Ende's cheerfullness has restores life to the village and you too for that matter. Your Hp, Mp, and stats are fully restored.
The villagers also learn how to leave this world whenever they want too. Your work here is done. Note: You should have 90 Small Medals now.