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Walkthrough Welcome to Rogueport, ladies and gents! You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy in the Mario universe. Anyway, you'll start off at the dock, up north is a set of stairs that lead to the way out and to the north east is a Paper Boat Pad, which will come into play later on in the game. There's a save block nearby, I'd save now just to get the initial save out of the way. Take this chance to familiarize yourself with the controls then head north and the first event and intro battle will occur. Lord Crump: This is the first battle of the game so it'll obviously be simple. If you know the action command, it's the same as it was in the original Paper Mario, use it and this fight'll be over in a matter of 3 turns. It is impossible to lose this fight since if you defend Crump'll do zero damage and even if you don't know the action commands you'll still be able to inflict enough damage to Crump before he can kill you. If you're unfamiliar with the action command I suggest using the hammer since the action command is a visible, and easily understood, star meter. This battle is meant to teach you how to fight in the game, not to be difficult. Once you've crushed Crump you'll be showered with fat little men, IT'S RAININ' MEN, and once thats over head north up the stairs to the square. Once you
reach the square more events will occur, watch the background...two Pianta mug some guys with spears it's kinda funny, after the event Goombella will join your party.
After thats over and done with head east to the next area and Goombella'll babble for a bit then you'll be mugged and lose half of your coins.
Once you've been mugged head to the second house in this area and another event'll occur. Once thats done either accept the lesson on how to fight properly or continue
on down the pipe that Frankly points out. Welcome to the sewers, to the west is a fortune teller who can help you with where to go next, star pieces and shine sprites, and to the east is where you wanna go next.
Walk east and down some stairs and you'll end up fighting some goomba's who seem to want a little three on one action with Goombella. After the battle head up the
stairs ahead of you then hop on the floating platform behind the pit you just came out of. Go down the pipe at the other end and you'll come up behind a metal fence with
a path heading east. Follow the past then down some stairs heading west. Hammer the blocks for a 'shroom and a fire flower then continue west. Ignore the door and hit the
two face blocks to reveal a pipe. Head down the pipe and you'll come out near a HUGE gray smiley block. Head east until you come across a small switch, hammer it to reveal steps.
You may notice a patch of darker wall behind you with a corner falling down. Come back with Flurrie to get the treasure behind it. Head up the stairs and into the door to
find a sinister looking black chest which calls you a legendary hero. Yeah...since..y'know, evil looking chests are always looking for heroes...anyway, leave the room and head off of
the edge to the west to get a black key. Bring it back to the chest to be "cursed" with the Paper Plane ability. Now leave the room and get on the Plane Pad to the west and fly
over to the door on the western side of the room. In this room you'll be hit with a few events in which Frankly gives you a Power Smash badge and you'll gain the "Sweet Treat" Star Power.
You'll be dropped off outside Frankly's house, head back below the town and east. Use the Plane Pad you come across to get to the door to the next area. In this area you'll see a
tentacle. Hammer the tentacle to initiate the first boss fight. Blooper: This fight is quite simple, destroy the tentacles and Blooper'll drop into range. Unload on him and he'll fall quickly. One Power Smash will destroy a tentacle and two combined with two attacks from Goombella will destroy Blooper himself in two turns. Once he's dead jump east across the newly platforms, they move so time your jumps. Once across them head down the pipe and thats the end of the prologue. Welcome to Petal Meadow, save at the nearby block if you with then head east. You'll see an event, then continue past the OBVIOUSLY SHAPED ROCK FORMATION. Hit the block just past the formation for a 'shroom and head to the next area. In the next area keep heading east down the path and hit the pink badge block for a to get a Close Call badge. Continue east and ignore the pipe since you can't reach the prize at the top yet. In the next area check the bushes north of the path, nearest to the river, to reveal a pipe. Go down the pipe to be transported to the background. Walk east along the background and hit a switch to reveal a bridge, before you return to the foreground continue east to net a Star Piece. Once across the bridge check the northern bushes for a Mystery and hit the block for a fire flower then head through the gate to reach Petalburg. You'll probably need a nap at the inn, so drop in and take one. It's the first building in the village, for future reference it had a bed sign on the building. Head east, past a little Toad who talks about the GBA game Fire Emblem (Even Toads like it...:P), and into the next area. Enter the pink house and talk to the elder, and don't bother trying to get him to call you something other then Murphy 'cause it won't help. He'll give you permission to keep heading east out of the village to gain what you need to reach Hooktail's castle. So, head east to the Koopa in front of the gate, talk to him and after a short scene he'll let you through. Check the first northern bush you see for a Star Piece, then continue east and hammer the block for a POW block. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE SPACE FOR THE POW BLOCK DITCH AN ITEM! YOU NEED IT
TO GET PAST THE NEXT AREA! [Note from Hiryuu: Actually, you can, but without the POW BLock, you'll need to inflict your damage by super-guarding] Enter the castle and check the Bald Clefts on the pedestal, they'll attack. Use the POW block, since the Cleft's defense is too high for you to damage them.
Once you've POWed them to death head through the newly opened gate. Continue along the path and near the next castle are bushes to the north of the path. You'll find a POW block in them, take this
POW block and repeat what you did in the last castle to make it through this castle. Head east along the path and hit the block for a Fire Flower and grab the obviously placed Inn Coupon south of the path.
(It's hard to miss, it's bright freakin' yellow. If you miss it you're either colorblind or an idiot.) continue up to the castle and use the pay for healing Heart Block for five coins. Enter the castle,
save and then check the Thwomp on the pedestal. Don't worry, no combat...but you will have a gameshow style quiz...TO THE DEATH! Ok, I'm gonna give you the 5 answers you need to win, nothing past that.
The answer to question one is option one, or "Stone Keys". The answer to question two is option three or "16 Coins". The answer to question three is option four or "Kroops". The answer to question four is option two, or "Hooktail castle".
The answer to question 5 is Option three, or "Go down a pipe". Once you've completed that head down the newly revealed pipe to reach an underground passage heading east and west. Hit the badge block for a
Multibounce badge then continue east to get a sunstone. Head back west and past the pipe to get a moonstone. Once you've done that head back to the pipe room and you'll be attacked by a "rare" Gold Fuzzy. Gold Fuzzy: Another simple boss. Pound on the Gold Fuzzy and at roughly half HP he'll summon the "Fuzzy Horde" which is a mass of Fuzzies that will attack four times a turn, with easily blockable attacks. Ignore the Horde and finish off the Gold Fuzzy to end the battle. Killing the Horde won't net you anymore Star Points, so don't bother. You'll get the Horde's Star Points when the Gold Fuzzy falls. Once thats done, head back through Petalburg on your way to the OBVIOUS ROCK FORMATION. Once you leave the village through the western exit you'll see a scene in which Koops joins your party. Now, do you remember that pipe I said you to ignore since you couldn't reach the treasure? Well, now you can. Make your way to it then go down it, and send Koops out to get the Happy Heart Badge, and then drop down and continue on your way. Once you reach the rock formation place the two stones in their respective holes and the pipe-shaped rock will glow. Now you must use Koops' Hold Shot so you can hit both switches that appear at the same time. In case you don't remember the Hold Shot is sending Koops out so he'll hit a target and holding the X button down to delay his release until you let go of X. Hold Shoot him out then make your way to the switch on the opposite side of the formation and let go of the X button at the same time you hammer the switch. This will reveal a pipe, go down the pipe to enter the castle. Upon entering the castle head east through the door to enter a room with a broken bridge. Drop down the hole in the middle of the bridge then hop across the rocks until you see a HP Plus Badge across a gap that your jump is to short to reach. Send Koops out to get it then jump back along the rocks and head back to the previous room. Now use the spring board to get onto the path above, and head through the door you find there. You'll be on a Plane Pad, use it to fly across the hole in the bridge and go through the door into the actual castle. The floor of the castle is strewn with Koopa-corpses so it's a bit harder to dodge your enemies. Make your way east and hit the badge block for a Power Jump badge. Now head through the door and walk east for a scene, read the letter and you'll learn the Hooktail's weakness is something that beings with "Cr" and ends with "icket". For the slow of thought, that's cricket, the insect, not the weird British...golf...baseball...thing. Anywho, continue east to the red Koopa corpse and check it. After you do a HUGE amount of undead Koopa will flood the room. Hammer them out of your way or they'll push you out of the castle. Hammer you way to the red Koopa corpse and engage it in combat. Red Bones: The only reason this registers as a boss fight is because the stupid things have level 1 defense. Which can be annoying if you enter the battle with Goombella and not Koops. Anyway, the easiest way to eliminate the 4 Dull Bones is to use Koops' Power Toss attack. It'll eliminate all of the Dull Bones leaving the Red Bones open for attack. Both types of monster can build more Dull Bones so you can either let them build some for more Star Points or you can finish them off. It's important to note that the Red Bones can revive itself so the only way to ensure the fight is over is to eliminate all the Dull Bones within two turns of killing the Red Bones or the Red Bones will revive. And thats about all there is to it. Now that you've taken the Red Bones down, Koopa Corpses will get up and attack you in every room they exist in past this one. Head east and grab the Shine Sprite, now head up the stairs and drop down to the ledge below with the two small blocks with arrows in them. These are elevator switches and the larger versions are elevators. Hit the purple one and then drop down and head up the stairs to where the small purple elevator block falls down. Jump on it then use the other blocks to reach the yellow face block so you can smash it with your hammer. Once that is done, head back to the elevator switches and smack the yellow one. Head to where the yellow elevator block used to be and use Koops to hit the switch that comes into range once the block moves. The steps will flip, so jump down and climb them. You'll reach a gap and a key across the gap, so use Koops to get the key. Have Koops reflip the steps then go up them and unlock the door to the next area. You'll now be in a room with a big elevator block and a save block. Save if you with and continue east, ignoring the big block. You'll be in a room with a switch behind a fence, a badge behind a grate, and a door behind another grate. Use Koops' Hold Shot on the switch so you can reach the gate before it closes. Go through the door and you'll be in an area with a large black curse chest. Talk to the chest then go into the eastern door and grab the key in the chest. Now, you'll have fifty seconds to reach the exit, so follow the paths to the door. Once thats done unlock the chest to gain the "Paper Thin" ability. Go back to the room with the badge behind the grate to gain the Hooktail's weakness. This badge is the Attack FX R, or the CRICKET badge as I like to call it. Now, head back to the room you fought the Red Bones in and go behind the grate with now horizontal bars, with your Paper Thin ability, and make your way over to the key. Now head back to the room with the giant Elevator block. Get on it and use Koops to hit the block. Now head up the stairs and unlock the door, ignore the stairs that go up as you can't get the treasure up there yet. Use Koops to hit the switches and when you come to a window without bars jump through it. Head east for a Star Piece, then west and through the window without bars past the one you came out here through and then through the door. Another big elevator block, head up to it and Hold Shot Koops so you can get on it and hit it. Now you can drop down north to the west of the path for a Life Shroom, then drop down again to retake the elevator. Once you're back up head into the western door for a scene, a key, a 'shroom, a honey syrup and a Shine Sprite. Unlock the door in the previous room then head down the stairs to the far south eastern corner. Hit the elevator switch then Hold Shot so you can get on top of it to go up. There's a Plane Pad you can reach if you Paper Thin through the bars, that'll get you to the door of this room. But before you do head to the far north east corner of the upper area to get a Star Piece. Now fly to the door and go through it. Head down the steps in this room and hit the elevator block. Once thats done you can grab the key. Remember that treasure I said you couldn't get before? Well the elevator block is now in position to allow you to get the Close Call Partner badge down below. Now, pending you didn't jump to get the badge in which case you'd have to make your way back to this room, up the stairs and unlock the door. Now head up to the top of this tower to reach the Hooktail's lair. Ensure you have the Attack FX R badge equipped, heal, save then enter the Hooktail's lair. Hooktail: The Hooktail is a breeze if you have the Attack FX R badge. The sound it makes will make the Hooktail ill and her attack and defense will drop. Just hammer her until she's out of HP and she'll beg for her life. Say no to all her persuasions and then she'll eat some of the audience and scare the rest away.
Just rinse and repeat your previous actions and she'll be down for the count. After the battle you'll receive the Crystal Star and that'll be the end of CH 1. During the chapter prologues you get a chance to play as Peach and Bowser. As in the original Paper Mario, Peach's section is used to gather info on what the enemy is up to. Bowser's sections are for comic relief and are often hilarious and very fun. Anywho, head into the western room and take a shower. Once thats done head back into the previous room and the eastern door will open. Go out the door and follow the corridor until you reach a door that will open when you approach it. Go inside to see a scene and once that scene is over Peach's section is over and Bowser's begins. As Bowser you'll be in a room with a bunch of the Koopa Troop. Talk to the Troops if you like then head to the far east side of the room and Kammy will enter. After a discussion with her about evil, picnics and eggs Bowser will storm off upon hearing the news about Peach being kidnapped. And thats the end of Bowser's section so now we're back to Mario. Ok, you'll be in Petalburg village at the start of the prologue and before you leave head to the fenced area near the Elder's house and use Paper Thin to squeeze through the crack and grab a Mega Rush Partner badge. Now, head to the Thousand Year Door and on the way out of Petalburg you'll get an e-mail from Peach. Once you've read it continue back to the door and stand on the pedestal. You'll automatically be brought back to Frankly's house and he'll explain how you should go about heading to the next area. He tells you to go down under the town and find a small, slug like creature with eyes and an antenna with a ball on the end. Before you head back down the pipe outside Frankly's house you should go to the house next door and upgrade Goombella with the three Shine Sprites you collected in Hooktail's castle. Goombella is the best choice since she can do a max of four damage against defenseless opponent and Koops already has level one defense. Once that is done head down the pipe to the area before the Thousand Year Door. Paper Thin through the fence and go through the door to see a little creature like the one Frankly described. Follow and talk to him (his name is Punio), then follow him again and he'll reveal the way to the Boggly woods. And thats the end of the prologue and the beginning of chapter 2. Welcome to the Boggly Woods, looks like a friggin' photo negative or something. Anywho, head east and save if you wish. In the next area you'll see a scene introducing the Shadow Sirens. (Boo, Beldam sucks. Vivian is better!) Anyway, after the scene continue east, picking up an Inn coupon and a Honey Syrup along the way. In a couple of areas you'll see a pipe that Punio will lead you through, you'll be in the foreground now. Head to the tree and talk to Punio and follow him up the side of the tree. He'll tell you that you need to find Flurrie, so leave the area and head back to the foreground. From the pipe that leads to the Great Boggly Tree head east after a scene showing where Flurrie lives. Head to the next area to be in a grove of "flowers" with a pipe and a plane pad attached to the top of the pipe. Ignore the pipe for now and head east to the wall and through the "secret" passage and up to a small switch with a Star Piece behind it. Hit the switch to raise the end of the pipe so the pad'll be high enough to fly onto the ledge above the secret passage. Grab the Star Piece then head back to the pipe and fly to the ledge and into the next area. Hit the badge block for a Quake Hammer badge then Paper Thin through the gap in the bushes and down the pipe. Now head into the house and check the door to be sent out to find Flurrie's necklace. You should remember seeing this necklace in the scene with the Shadow Sirens so head back and fight them for it. Beldam: As soon as the battle starts attack Marilyn. She's the strongest of the group and can charge her strength for a devastating attack. Once Marilyn is down aim for Beldam since she can hit multiple targets for two damage and can boost the other Siren's defense and strength. Once Beldam is down Vivian will fall very quickly since she's by far the weakest of the three. After the right return to Flurrie's house and give her the necklace. She'll join your party and her "gust" ability will be very handy throughout the game. She can blow away the wall patches that have the corner curling down to reveal treasures. Now, return to the Boggly Tree and have Flurrie blow where Punio pointed out to reveal the secret entrance. Punio'll go inside the entrance and open the main gate, once inside you'll be attacked by X-Nauts. A simple battle and scene occur afterwards and now, it's time to rescue the Punies! Head to the pipe to the east and continue heading up until you reach a room with two cages. Head through western door for a scene and a battle. Once thats over you'll be able to net a Red Key from the X-Naut you just killed and an Ultra Shroom from a chest. KEEP THE ULTRA SHROOM! DO NOT WASTE IT! THE FINAL BOSS WILL BE VERY, VERY DIFFICULT WITHOUT AT LEAST 3 ULTRA SHROOMS! Now, go back to the previous room and unlock the Elder Punie. After that head back down to the first floor of the tree and after a scene ten more Punies will join you and the Elder will give you the Puni Orb. Now head up the pipe and place the Puni Orb in the pedestal with the pad in front of it and a new pipe will be revealed. Head down the new pipe and drop down the hole for a Shine Sprite on the east side of the room. Head up the pipe and activate the red and green thing to open the door back to the main area. Now, hop across the hole onto the stump then onto the other side of the pit. Place the Puni Orb in the pedestal then go back to your horde of Punies. They'll be attracted to the Orb so they'll all get into position along the edge of the pit. Have Flurrie blow them into the pit and they'll come floating back in bubbles. Keep blowing and they'll float across the pit upon, jump across the join them. Grab the Puni Orb and head down the pipe. Head two levels down then follow the bug you see and you'll be in a room with an insect hive. Ten bugs will come out to fight, have Flurrie blow the bugs against the wall so the Punies can wail on them. When thats done and the hive has been punied to death head through the door and open the chest for the blue key. Now return to the cages and unlock the Punies. Ninety Punies will join you make you an official mob....does anyone other then me have the urge to buy a farm out in the country and open a Puni plantation? Now head back to the room where you followed the bug and head the other way. Leave the Punies at a Puni Orb pedestal, so you don't lose any, and take out the Pider enemies in this area. They scare the Punies away so leaving them behind makes for less trips below to collect them. You'll see a badge block in the area, shoot Koops out below it to reveal a hidden block. There's a shop hidden behind the west wall, have Flurrie blow on the wall to reveal it, after you've found that head back up and collect the Punies. Now head west and you'll face 100 of the insects this time, help the Punies to defeat them and then continue west. Now, head down until you reach a dead end with a Puni Orb pedestal. Use the orb and the Punies'll be locked in a cage only you can escape. A pipe will also be revealed so head down the pipe and hit the switch. Memorize that design. Sun, moon, Puni, Star. Now head back to the room you got the Blue Key in and hit the newly appeared switches so the pictures on the wall line up as star, moon, puni, star. This'll open a passage to the one and only...SUPER BOOTS! Now go back to the previous room, spin jump through the X pad on the floor and make your way over to the Shine Sprite you see, and head back the other way to get a Charge Badge. Now go up the pipe and return to the Punies. Smash the X pad in the cage and use Flurrie to blow the Punies down the hole. Hop down to collect then go back up to the room after the 100 insect hive. Place the orb in the slot and then pound the X pad and blow all the Punies down the hole. Collect the orb then go down after the Punies and go down the pipe. Keep going down until you reach a room where only Mario can a pit using the tops of three totems. Once across the pit go up the pipe and walk up to the floor switch. Stand on it then Hold Shot Koops, then step off the floor switch and a small switch will rise out of the water. Once it is in range let go of Koops and the water will drain. Drop down into the now waterless pit to grab a Shrink Stomp badge. Now go back to where you left the Punies and lead them across the path of lily pads, collect the Shine Sprite up above then go down the pipe. Put the orb into the pedestal and you'll be brought down a level. Heal, save then go into the next room and use the pedestal to spark a scene. You now have 300 seconds to get out of the tree, so make your way with the Punies in tow up the pipe that is revealed during the scene. Fight your way through some X-Nauts VERY quickly. Once thats done continue until you reach the first room of the tree and then it's boss time. Magnus Von Grapple: Crump'll attack with Grapple's feet at first, this is a hard attack to dodge since it's hard to tell who it'll hit 'cause he bounces the foot around randomly.
He'll also attack with a ground slam for two damage to each character and he'll shoot out his fists to attack the next turn. Slag the hands 'cause they do 4 damage each.
Keep the attacks up and use your best moves, Spin Jump etc, and Crump'll fall easily. With Crump out of the way you'll get the Crystal Star and that'll be the end of Chapter Two. When you have control of peach walk west toward the door and Tec will open the doors to his room so go see him. He'll ask Peach to dance for him, not THAT kind of dancing...perverts, so do so by hitting the buttons that appear above Peach's head. With that done Peach's section is over. Ladies and gentlemen...it's time for the ONE AND THE ONLY...SUPER BOWSER BROS!!! This is a parody of the original Mario Bros with Bowser instead of Mario. You have infinite life so just destroy things and grab meat, instead of 'shrooms, to get bigger. Once that is over you'll see a hilarious scene and Bowser's section will be done. Once you regain control of Mario head back to the Thousand Year Door, stopping to blow away any of the patches of wall with the corners rolled down you see along the way. You know the drill by now so once you've learned where the next Crystal Star is head west through the square and head to the other side. You'll be stopped by a lady with a missing contact, she'll tell you not to move...but you have to move to further the story. You'll step on her contact so she demands you get her a new one. So go to the store nearby and talk to one of the Toads there to order one. Now head back to Frankly's, upgrade if you have the sprites and then talk to the guy with the spear. Say you wanna fight him and pound him into oblivion, don't pay him off as he'll keep coming back. Now you have access to the section of Rogueport with the Trouble house it's the second house. But on to more important things, Paper Thin your way through the gap between the Trouble house and the first house. Enter the building you see here and talk to the Snail, pay him 64 coins to learn how to see Don Pianta. Go to the dilapidated store next to the parlor on the west side and buy a dried shroom and a dizzy dial then answer "yellow". So head to the square, the lens should be in so talk to the Toad outside the shop and then buy the lens inside. Give it to the woman blocking your way then head to the west side and to the store. Buy the dried shroom and the dizzy dial then answer yellow once, then yellow a second time. Now go through the newly revealed door, up the stairs and into the house. Talk to the Don and he'll tell you about two Piantas he wants you to find. They're down by the dock so go find them, talk to them then head back to the Don and tell him where they are. A scene will occur and you'll get your Blimp tickets by talking to the Don after it. Now head to the train/blimp station by heading out the north exit of the west district. Talk to the Cheep Cheep to the east, then go down the pipe and into the blimp in the background. And thats the end of the prologue and the beginning of chapter three. Welcome to Glitzville. This chapter rawks :P...you'll get the joke in a few minutes. Now, head into the big building, there's a Star Piece behind some plants near the entrance, and into a big red door to the north. You'll see a fight and what looks to be a Championship belt with the Crystal Star on it. When that scene is over head west and talk to the thug in front of the door past the stairs. Head down the hall and into the first door around the corner. After a couple scenes you'll be dropped off into the minor league locker room and your fighting name will be...THE GREAT GONZALES!!!!! Anyway, use the Etch-a-Sketch on the wall to start fighting. Each match will have a requirement you must fulfill to advance in rank. The requirements are usually something along the lines of no hammer, no jumping, no star moves, no FP moves, no items, no partner attacking, only partner attacking, let the enemy hit you without defending three times or don't attack for the first three turns. Here's a list of all the matches you'll eventually have to win to become the champion (Note that the actual order may vary slightly):
Fight your way to rank 7 and you'll get a threatening e-mail, rank 6 will net you a free cake and the rank 5 battle will end with Bowser storming in to "murdalize" you. Bowser: Bowser is the first real challenge in the game. He can attack all targets for three damage, his bite can poison and he can use a body slam that might disable one of your attack options. So make sure to block as much as possible and use your strongest everything and he'll fall soon enough. After that fight it's time to continue the fight for the belt, so keep fighting. Once you hit rank 4 you'll get an e-mail from X telling you to go to the phone booth outside the pit. So head to the north west corner to pick up a key from the phone booth. Now head back to the pit and open the only locked door in the place. Once inside have Flurrie blow the covers off of the boxes then hammer them. In the eastern corner of the room behind the blocks is a Charge Partner badge. Smash your way west to find a switch that makes stairs appear. Go up the stairs, then hop on the small box to the west and onto the crate then hover jump over to the big face block and smash it. Grab the HP Plus Partner badge then drop down the hole. Head over east until you see a hole in the floor, examine it to see a scene. Then Paper Thin through the nearby grate and head back to the locker room. At rank 3 you'll receive a poisoned cake after you select a match, it'll knock your partners out. Fight without 'em then continue fighting until you're rank one. Prepare yourself...it's time to take the belt. But, before that...you have another mission from X. You'll be told to blow away the Gonzales posters in the lobby, the poster above the west side of the door up the stairs holds another key for the store room. Head back to the store room and unlock the locked door on the second floor. Jump on the crates in the north western and hover jump to reach a big yellow face block. Smash it to reveal the smooshed bodies of Bandy Andy and Koopa K. Talk to Andy to learn that you should go nowhere near the arena when there isn't a match on. Now head back to the locker room and set up your championship match. Security'll come for you and drop you off in an even crappier locker room then the minor league one. Blow away the Peach Poster and go through the door, in the next room go through the eastern door to a toilet. Use it like a pipe and then leave the locker room you pop up in and head to the arena. It's time for Rawk Hawk to get a rawking. Rawk Hawk: This fight is similar to your fight with Bowser, save for the fact that Rawk's moves are inferior. Rawk has an easily blockable set of aerial attacks and the only time he's of any real threat is when he's half dead and he jumps up to the rafter above and shakes crap down on you. If you don't defend you'll lose more then 10 HP which can be very damaging. The only way to get him down is to use Quake Hammer. Keep your HP up and use your best
attacks and Rawk will fall without that much trouble. Once you're the champ you'll be brought to the champ's room, you'll see a scene and after the scene is done jump up the presents in the western corner of the room. Now hover jump to the top of the door frame then over to the metal door. Break the door with a block smashing hit from your hammer and go through the passage. You'll see a scene then check the desk and Grubba'll enter. He'll run, chase him to the arena and prepare for a boss. Macho Grubba: Grubba is anything but a fair fighter. He'll start by increasing his amount of attacks per turn. Then he'll use his first to up his stats and then the second turn to attack you for up to seven damage. Keep your HP above half of your maximum and use your strongest attacks and Grubba'll be nothing more then a bad memory without too much trouble. With that done you'll get another Crystal Star and Chapter three will be over. This time around Tec will send Peach out on an actual mission. Head west to the elevator with the now green panel. Use it and head east into the room with the green lamp above it. Check the lockers for an X-Naut Uniform, now take it to the changing area in the eastern corner of the room and change. Now, leave the room and head to the door directly east of this room. Grodus is inside it, talk to him then go back and change into your regular clothes. Now head back to Tec and it's time for Bowser's section. As Bowser you'll be in the Great Boggly Tree. Walk forward and talk to the Elder, who is hiding behind a bush. A rather funny scene will occur and you'll be back as Mario. Ok, as usual head back to the Thousand Year Door, in the area before the Door you can now smash the Face Block for a spring pad shortcut. After the scenes involving the location of the next Crystal Star head to the west district. There's a grate in the middle of the district, Paper Thin down it and you'll be on a platform in the western half of the sewers. Hover Jump west across the gap to reach a pipe, a Shine Sprite and a door. The pipe leads to a Star Piece, and the door leads to an oddly colored pipe leading to Twilight Town. The pipe will reject you so head back to previous room, drop down and head up the pipe to be brought back to the western district. Now, head back to the eastern district and head up north to the brick wall next to Merlon's upgrade house. There's a camouflaged path through that wall. Once through talk to the green guy around the corner to get the pipe to work. There's also a Star Piece around further back into the alley on some boxes. Now, head back to the pipe and you'll be able to reach Twilight Town and on to Chapter Four. Twilight Town...is so perfectly eerie, I love it. Anywho, a bell will toll...people will turn into pigs. Creepy, eh? They Mayor'll bring you to his house and welcome you to his town. Now go east to the next area of the town and talk to the gate keeper at the far east end. Head back to see the Mayor and on the way the bell will toll. When you reach the Mayor's house you'll see that he's turned into a pig. Now go to the shop in the second area and talk to the woman inside. Upon leaving the gate keeper will turn into a pig and you'll be able to go through the gate. Now, head east one screen and enter the small house for another Black Key. Once you have that continue east until you reach a fallen tree blocking the road. Send Koops out to grab the key on the other side and return to the village. Make sure to grab the Super Shroom in one of the blocks on the way. When you reach the village head to the shop and unlock the door with the key. Now grab a Life 'Shroom, Boo Sheet, a Defend Plus badge and a Jammin' Jelly (KEEP IT), there's also a Star Piece. Open the Black Chest for the "Paper Tube" skill. Head back to the fallen tree and Paper Tube under it. Now use Flurry to blow away the haystack to reveal a pipe. Go down it to reach the forest in the background. Past the Paper Thin gap in the trees is a coin block, and through the gap is a block with an Earthquake to the east and the way to the next area to the west. In the next area hit the badge block for a Hammer Throw badge, then continue west and use Flurrie to blow away part of the tree. This reveals a path to the forest in the background. In the next area use Flurrie to blow a panel off of a covered hole. Now, jump down the hole and you'll be in the background. Head east and push the rock to move the rock in the foreground. This will reveal some holes in the ground in the foreground, so return there and go through them. Then continue east to the next area. You'll now be outside of the gates of Creepy Steeple. Paper Tube under the gap in the wall and enter the steeple. Once inside head east until you reach a statue, push the statue and drop down the hole. Blow off the wall panel for a Flower Save badge, then head through the door on the western wall. Inside this room is a door locked from the inside and a box. Open the box to reveal two hundred Boos. When a Boo asks how many Boos there were answer two hundred, this will net you a very, very useful Ultra Shroom. Now head back up to the main room and if you'd like to face an optional boss tell the Boo you won't be mean to him and when they come down to latch on to you Spin Hammer them away. After a few times you'll face the boss. Atomic Boo: This fight is whorishly cheap. Boo can immobilize and confuse you while dealing 4+ damage. Keep your HPs up and use high damaging attacks and he'll fall. As a suggestion use Power Lift, this will boost your strength and allow you to do major damage with attacks like Power Bounce and Goombella's Multibounce. If you don't want to fight him, just ignore the instructions to fight him. But you'll get a very handy badge the Lucky Start if you do. Now, head through the door on the southern wall and make your way to the end of the hall and hit a switch. Now go north and up the stairs in the next room. At the end of this path is a key, get the key with Koops then return to the room with the stairs. Head north this time and hit the switch twice, then return to the previous room and go up the stairs. Now you'll be on the opposite path to your last one, open the locked door at the end and head up the stairs for the "end of chapter" boss. ???: This fight is a breeze, a yawn even. Just use Power Lift then Goombella's Multibounce and Power bounce. At less then half HP he'll turn himself into a copy of Mario. Finish him off, he's easy enough. WOO! END OF CHAPTER! YEAH WOO! SAVE TIME! WOO HOO! Notice how Mario looks kinda cracked out? Well the he didn't just copy Mario's looks, he switched places with you and stole your name. You'll be partnerless and basically fodder for any opponent. So, carefully make your way back to the village but before you can enter it the fake Mario will attack. Run away from him and head to the first screen of the village. Talk to Vivian and she'll mention having lost a Superbombomb. Check the last bush to the east of the last row for a Star Piece and the last bush exactly west of where you talked to Vivian to find the Superbombomb. Bring it to Vivian and she'll join you. How, head east to the next area of town and hide beneath the furthest south east tree to learn of the fake Mario's weakness. Now, head back to Creepy Steeple and down the well outside it. Grab the Shine Sprite and head east. In this area is a badge block containing a hurricane jump and a grate. Push the grate then hide with Vivian until the grate passes over you. Continue east and head through the door. Grab the Shine Sprite then Paper Tube through the hole in the wall. Once you reach the other side spin jump the X pad and Paper Tube through the hole in the wall to the west. Then, hide beneath the Parrot's roost and you'll learn the fake Mario's real name is Doopliss. Now open the chests and boxes for a "P", a Mr. Softener, a Power Plus badge and a steeple key. Now, unlock the door and head back to the village to face Doopliss. When he asks you his name, tell him and he'll retreat to where you fought him earlier in Creepy Steeple. Return there for a battle between you and Vivian and Doopliss and your partners. Doopliss: This is like fighting a slightly handicapped version of yourself. He'll start with Goombella as his partner and you'll start partnerless since Vivian just learned your true identity. On turn three she'll rejoin you and you'll proceed to trounce Doopliss together. Just repeat your strategy from last time you kicked his pansy ass. Power Lift and Powerbounce plus constant attacks from Vivian will knock him out. With Doopliss down the chapter is really over. You'll start off as Peach in Tec's room, and it's time for a "quiz". The answers are: question one is option two, question two is option one, question three is option three, question four is option two and question five is option three. With that done you're on to Bowser. It's time for another level of Super Bowser Bros! And is it just me or does Bowser seem to hate Kammy? As usual, head back to the Thousand Year Door when you return to Mario. Frankly SHATTERS the fourth wall and sends you off the Keelhaul Key. You'll need a ship, so head to the first floor of the inn. Talk to the rather fruity looking guy with the red skull gem on his table. His name is Flavio and he owns a ship, he'll agree to take you to Keelhaul Key. Now head to the pier and talk to Flavio on his boat, he'll send you off to find Admiral Bobbery. He's in the locked house in the east district. Head to the east district and use Yoshi's hover jump to cross the pit just south of the bridge. Now, head up the crates and hover jump to the next roof. Head to the next roof and you'll see a Shine Sprite in the background and a chimney that you can Paper Tube through. Grab the Sprite and then go through the chimney. A quick scene with Bobbery will occur then he'll boot you out of the house. Go back to the first floor of the inn and talk to the bar tender. He'll give you a letter to Bobbery, so head back to Bobbery's now open house and give him the letter. Once that is done he'll agree to go with you to the Key, so head back to the pier to start Chapter Five. Chapter Five starts with some annoying scenes and a rather stupid series of journal entries from Flavio. Once that is over with you'll be on Keelhaul Key, so head east. (Before you do though, there's a Whacka to the North. Hammer him for Whacka Bumps which restore twenty five HP and FP. Five times will kill him, so be nice.) You'll be in a miniature village with a store and an inn. Flavio is in the middle area and you must talk to him to progress. Once you've talked to him and fought the battle that occurs head east to the jungle. Once in the jungle bring out Koops, since a large portion of the enemies here are spikey. Anywho, the first bush in this area has a Star Piece and the badge block has a Head Rattle badge in it. Continue east to the next area, you'll pass a pair of cliffs and a block. Jump on the block and jump up to reveal a floating block. Now, continue east for a Star Piece, up some platforms and head west. Jump the two pits then switch to Yoshi and hover jump to the block you revealed, then over to the other side of the pit. There's a Shine Sprite you can hover jump over to off the west ledge and once you have it head east for a Thunder Rage. In the next area you'll see a quick scene and another blatant shattering of the fourth wall. Once it's over head down south side of the first island and hover jump your way over to an island with a pipe. Go down it and you'll be on an island in the background. Hammer the tree for a coconut then head back to the foreground and back to the top of the west island. Grab the Inn Coupon from the northern bush then cross the bridge and Paper Thin through it to grab the Ice Power badge at the east end. Then drop down and use the spring pad to reach the top of the east island and a Shine Sprite. Now, head to the next area and kill the enemies circling the tree. Hammer it to reveal Bobbery, talk to him and he'll send you back to camp to get a Chuckola Cola. Flavio has it and he will trade it for food from the island, give him the coconut and bring the cola back to Bobbery. After a quick scene, hammer Bobbery and he'll join your team. Now, head back to camp and talk to Flavio. You'll then take the annoying turd to where you found Bobbery. Take him to the far east side into the shallow pool of water. Check the skull rock and then talk to Flavio to get the Skull Gem. There are two Mario shaped rocks here, jump on the short red one. Now spin jump it three times then go to the larger blue one and hammer it four times. This will reveal a hole in the wall that you can throw Bobbery into. Do so and he'll blow the wall open revealing the dungeon containing the Crystal Star. Enter the dungeon and head east to the next room. Now, drop down two levels and continue heading east to the next area. In this area head east and jump hop onto a busted up boat between two ledges. Head up north to the tip of the boat and jump for a Shine Sprite. Now, jump up to the other side of the pit and you'll see a Star Piece on a small island. Send Koops to get it then head north to the path that has spikes rising and falling at four second intervals. Switch to Vivian so you can hide from the spikes so they don't send you back to the start of the spike bed. Once thats done, continue east into a room where there are cannons shooting Bullet Bills at you. Dodge the Bullet Bills and attack the cannons to destroy them. Now, head east to the next area and continue east. Jump onto the platform and hover jump across the pit and kill the big pink bob-omb to get him out of the way of the door. Now, head up the big cliff and when you reach the top head west and drop off the edge for a Shine Sprite. Now, head back up and jump across the small pit to the north. Throw Bobbery up onto the platform so he can hit the switch. Now, head west through the now open door and past the dock. Jump up the platforms and down the other side and through the door. Jump onto the floating box in this room and use Koops' hold shot. Run over to the platform attached to chains and get on it. Now release Koops and the platform will raise. Use Koops again to grab the key so you can jump onto the now lowered box. The box will raise as the platform lowers, giving you access to a Shine Sprite and a Star Piece in an open barrel. Head back to the room with the big cliff, unlock the door and head through the next room and south into the next. You'll be in a room with more spikes. Before crossing them shoot Koops out over the eastern edge for a Shine Sprite. Now aim for the spikes, these ones pop out and in at about two second intervals. So be careful when hiding with Vivian this time. In the next room hammer the ground underneath the Shine Sprite to reveal a box allowing you to reach the Sprite. Now continue west and jump to the barrels and hop across them to reach land. Hop over to the bridge and Bobbery blow up the nearby blockaded door. Head through the door to reach another room with cannons. Destroy the cannons and continue heading west to the next area. Now, head west and jump to the dock below. Head into the wrecked ship and examine the black chest. Kill the enemy for a black key, and use it on the chest for the Paper Boat ability. Now grab the D-up P-down badge and leave the boat and head back to the dock you passed earlier. Head south then east to gain access to the door to the next area. Now, head all the way back to the first room atop the big cliff. Use the dock in here and float down the waterfall. Now, head west to the south side of the bridge and head through the door and continue going until you reach another dock. Use it and jump to the broken ship nearby. Grab the handle then return to the room you dropped into on the waterfall. Place the handle on the crank and then head back up the big cliff and use the dock again. Head down the waterfall and through the gate that was opened when you placed the handle. Now, float between the barrels and head east. In the next room avoid the waves and head east to the next area. After a quick scene continue east, past a pile of Toads stranded on a platform, and use the dock you reach. There's a pipe nearby, use the pipe and you'll be on a ship in the background. Head west until you reach a set of platforms you can jump up to reach a pipe atop a cliff. Head down the cliff to be brought back to the foreground near a Plane Pad. Use the Plane Pad to fly to some islands with pipes on them. Go down the pipes to reach switches in the background. Hit both switches to reveal platforms saving both the Toads add allowing you to reach the chamber of the boss. You'll also note that Frankie and Francesca are also here, this is important for the Chapter Six prologue. Now, after a scene head east into the next room to find a dilapidated boat. Heal, save and enter the boat to fight the Cortez the Spanish Punk...err uh Pirate. Cortez: Cortez may seem to have tiny amounts of HP but he has three forms each with twenty HP. Hopefully you've upgraded Vivian to super 'cause she'll be very, very handy if she is. To start with, slag him as fast as possible. He'll fall quickly then regenerate and will have weapons after a couple of turns. Kill the weapons as quickly as possible because they will each attack for four damage making the total of attacks during Cortez's turn five. Use Vivian's Fiery Jinx if you have it. If not, you're in for a world of hurt. After this form is down he'll have one more which is basically the same as this one. Finish that form off and this fight is over. Ok, the game calls this the end of Chapter Five but it's really not. Head back to the room with all the Toads and heal along the way. Head up to the cracked wall in the northern area of the Toad infested room and have Bobbery blow the crack open. You'll come out near where you started the chapter. Head south for a scene, then Flavio will show up and he'll have you take him back to Cortez. Once that is done you'll face another boss. Crump: Crump fights the same as your initial fight with him. He'll start the battle with an X-Naut platoon, which if you've upgraded properly and have the proper badges equipped (the Power Plus badges) should fall in a single attack. Once he's at less then half health he'll summon a platoon of X-Nauts attached to a rafter who will attack for four damage per character. You can only Quake Hammer or Hammer Throw them to death, so ignore them and finish off Crump's first round of HP. He'll revive himself upon his HP hitting zero and he'll return at full health and with a very dangerous side kick. A ball of X-Nauts to crush you with for five damage to both characters plus his own three HP of damage to a single character. Focus on Crump and use your most powerful attacks and he'll fall quickly. With that extra little chunk of a chapter over I dub Chapter Five officially over. As Peach head to the elevator. Once out of it head west to the third door, enter it to see a machine and some potions. Read the memos for clues on potion placement or just read this: from left to right place red, blue, orange and green. Now, press the big red button and the machine will start. There are four windows above the potions you placed, when the bottle stops in the window press the button below it to fill the bottle. When it's done you'll be told to time for thirty seconds while the potion heats. Once you've timed that, take it out and drink it. You'll disappear, save for your clothing. Peach strips off screen and now head to Grodus' room. Head through the door at the east end of it and then check the book case on the east wall to find a data disc. Put the disc in the computer then replace it on the shelf after the scene and return to the potion room, drink the green potion and a scene will start. This will end your time with Peach. As Bowser you'll be in Twilight Town. Scare the townsfolk with your immense size if you wish then talk to Crump. A scene will occur and it'll be back to Mario. As usual, head back to the Thousand Year Door. Blowing up any cracks you want to on the way. After that head to see the Don again to get a train ticket. You'll be sent to fetch Frankie and Francesca. They're on Keelhaul Key so go back to see them after this scene with the Don. They're one screen past the village, talk to them and you'll be asked to find their wedding ring, after a VERY annoying scene I might add. Head to where Bobbery joined you to find a ring on the ground, bring it back to Frankie and then head back to the Don. After a scene you'll get the train ticket. Before you head to the Train Station head to Hooktail castle and go to the black key room. Bomb the eastern wall to reveal a hole and an Up Arrow. Bring it to Merlon and you'll be able to upgrade your partners to the Ultra Level. Now, head to the train station and talk to the black capped toad to start chapter six. Ok, you'll see a paper in your room. Check it then head west to the very back of the train and talk to the conductor. After that head back one area and talk to Penguin in the crowd near the kitchen. You'll now have to find a soup thief, so head east. You'll find a trail of spots on the ground, check them and then follow them to room 003. Talk to the fat toad inside then check the dresser next to his bed. You'll find the soup pot, take it back to the Cheep Cheep chef then go to room 006 and talk to the Penguin again. Now, head to room 008 and talk to the adult bob-ombs. You'll hear an argument, now talk to the little bob-omb. Now, leave the room, talk to the conductor and head to the front of the train and talk to the engineer. Bring the item you receive from him back to the small bob-omb to receive a Shine Sprite. Head back to talk to the Penguin, his name's Pennington, once that is done go talk to the conductor again. Now go talk to the fat toad again and head to the room between his and yours. Hide using Vivian and after a few seconds a ghost'll appear. Talk to him and he'll send you to get his diary from the luggage car. So head to the back of the train and talk to the conductor. He'll let you in to get the diary. Paper Thin through the two crates to find it, don't read it as you'll get a game over. Which is bad if you haven't saved lately, which is an easy thing to forget about since there's not much in the way of action during this chapter. So bring the diary back to the ghost and he'll give you the item the conductor requested. Bring it back to the conductor and then head back to your room and go to bed. Go to see Pennington to be sent on another mission. Head to room 001 and you'll find an item, bring it back to Pennington's room and show it to the rat. Head back to your room and check the paper on the ground. Now hide using Vivian and a toad'll pop up after a few seconds. Talk to him then catch him and this mission will end with a scene. You'll get some earrings and a ring, which belong to the waitress in the meal car and the rich toad in room 002. So return them for a Star Piece and thirty coins. Now, exit the train for the next part of the chapter. Head east down the steps and talk to the black and blue toad near by. He'll give you the key to the building behind you. So unlock it and go into the building, walk past the nearby badge and past the elevator. Head through the door in the next area and Paper Tube under the grate on the wall to reach a switch. Hit it to reveal some steps, go up the steps into a room with a lot of gears. Head up the stairs and jump across the platforms when they are lined up in whatever way suits you best. Hop on the gold gear, then to the blue gear, then when the positioning is right over to another gear. Then, when a nearby moving wall is positioned correctly, hover jump across to a key. Head back to the previous room and unlock the door. Head east down the stairs and Paper Tube under the bottom step for an HP Plus badge. If you continue following the path you'll get a Thunder Rage and a Shine Sprite. At the end of the paths you'll hit a dead end. There are posters on the wall, blow them off with Flurrie and enter the door that is revealed. Head west and Paper Tube down the slot. Roll east and jump the pit for a P-UP D-DOWN badge. Now, head back and drop down the pit and keep west and you'll come out near a door. Enter the door, go through the odd looking room and into the next area. Kill the goombas then hit the switches until they all turn red. Now, head up the stairs revealed, send Koops out to get a Shine Sprite near the top of the steps and into the next area to find the Ultra Boots. You can now Spring Jump, do so to reach a pipe you can grab above. Use the pipe to get out of this room. You'll be back in the odd looking room, spring jump to the pipe above. Use it to get into the cage and then spring jump into the platform with the key on it to get the elevator key. Now use the pipe to get out and head back to the elevator. Go down it and you'll come out in a room with a swarm of black butterfly creatures. Hammer them until they retreat from a switch, hit the switch then flip the lever that is revealed. Now, head up the elevator and spring jump into the platform with the badge on it to get the Close Call Partner badge. Now, reboard the train. Now, sleep and head to the front of the train. Talk to the engineer to see an event. Now, head to the luggage car and you'll see more of the shadow creatures that were blocking the switch. Hammer them away to save the conductor and the waitress. Now, spring jump up to the pipe above and leave the car through the hole on the western wall. You'll now be on top of the train, hammer you way through the mass of shadows until you encounter a boss. Smorg: Ok, the best strategy here is to kill off the tentacles whenever they appear and then go for the main body. The tentacles regenerate, so kill them off as soon as they return. He'll transform into another shape which can inflict ten damage so I suggest you kill him as quickly as possible. Spring jump is very effective if you've mastered the timing. He'll fall with a bit of difficulty if you don't fight intelligently. Once the train stops, exit it and head east. Continue east until you reach a building with pillars, read the sign on the door to spark a scene. After the scene enter the building and head to the brown floor panel in the distance. Spring jump from it and head east along the pipe. Use the brown panels as spots to jump from and keep to the east side of the building to reach a plane pad. Fly west, then do the same as you did on the east side to reach a switch. Hit the switch to reveal a pipe. Go down the pipe to reach the room with the Crystal Star. Repeat what you did to reach the switch in the previous room to grab the rare L Emblem badge. Now, grab the Crystal Star and leave the building to end the chapter. Head to Tec's room and you'll see a scene. That'll end this chapter and it's time to move on to Bowser. As Bowser prepare for the final installment of Super Bowser Bros and a rather funny scene. After that it's back to Mario. On your way back to the door spring jump beneath the giant treasure chest in Rogueport square to get the Ultra Hammer. After the scene with the door Frankly'll tell you to go away for three minutes. So do whatever you please. Gamble, take on some troubles...explore the sewers it's all up to you. After three minutes return to Frankly and he'll tell you where to reach the next area. Head to the western district and Paper Thin through the sewer grate. Head to the platform before the pipe to Twilight Town and smash the face block away to reveal a door. Go through the door and go down it to reach the next area and chapter seven. Head east to the next area and continue east grabbing the obviously placed Star Piece. Once you've grabbed that continue east until you reach Fahr Outpost, hitting the badge block along the way for an HP Plus badge. Once at the outpost head east to the second area and talk to the green mustached bob-omb with Bobbery. After a quick discussion you'll be sent to find Gold Bob and General White. Gold Bob is the rich bob-omb you've encountered at the Glitz Pit and on the Excess Express. Head to the sewers beneath Rogueport and where you would go down the pipe to reach the room before the Thousand Year Door head west through a door. There are four pipes in two rooms in this area that are revealed by hitting switches. The fourth pipe leads to Poshley Heights so go down it and head to the train station and talk to Bob. Say you'll give up all your coins, don't worry you don't, and he'll give you permission to activate the cannon. Now, go to Petalburg and talk to Elder Kroops, to Keelhaul Key and talk to Pa Patch. To Glitzville and talk to the clerk at the Juice Bar, to the Great Boggly Tree and talk to the first Puni you see. Head to Twilight Town and talk to the guy outside the in, now head back to Fahr Outpost and talk to the green bob-omb again. You'll see General White come out of a house in the background, enter the house and check him. After enough times hitting him he'll wake up. After this you'll be shot off to the moon after a scene. Once on the moon head either east or west, neither areas hold much and both end up in the same area. To the west you can blow up some blocks for some items and the east will lead to the same. When you see an odd building in the background blow up a small rock for a Star Piece and then a larger rock to reveal a pipe. Go down the Pipe to enter the X-Naut base. Once in the base, head east for a scene and a battle. Once you've finished the fight continue east, passing an elevator into the east door at the end of a hallway. This room has an energized floor that will shock you if you step on the wrong panels. So follow the path that lights up every few seconds. From the wall head north twice, east once for a Super Shroom then twice more. South five times, east four times, north once and open the chest for an elevator key. Now, head back to the elevator and go down to sublevel two. Head east to Grodus' room and into the back room in it to get a key card. Now, head all the way west to the opposite door. Now follow the path on the sign on the wall to cross this energize floor. From the wall, south two times, west three times, north one time, west one time, north four times, west three times for a Sleepy Sheep, south four times, west once, south once, west three times and north twice. Open the chest for another key card and then head back east to the second room past the elevator. Spring jump into the open vent and head west and Paper Thin through the grate. Hover jump across the pit and grab a gear, this room also doubles as a teleporter to Rogueport, and head back to the vents. Head all the way west for a Star Piece and head east and drop through the grate for a humorous little scene and some codes. The code for a door is 014029 and the second code is to the crane game. It's left, right, middle. Now, head up a floor to sublevel one and head west. In this room place the gear in the hole in the wall and then hit the three buttons that light up in the order of left, right, middle. The crane game will activate allowing you to grab a Star Piece, and the set of Feelin' Fine badges for you and your partner. Now, head all the way east and enter the code 014029 and go through the door to face a quiz. The answer to question one is option three, question two is option four, question three is option two, question four is option three and question five is option one. Now, head down to sublevel two and take the second elevator to sublevel three. Head west and follow the glowing path as it moves along the energized floor. I'm not explaining it this time as it's way too complex and annoying. Open the chest for the final key card and then head east. In this room you'll see three pink consoles, use the keys on them and continue into the next room. In this room, head east to a fence. Throw Bobbery over it to hit a switch and then head back a bit and Paper Thin through a grate. Ride the platforms up and west to reach a pipe. Go down the pipe and ride the platforms to an Ultra Shroom and then all the way east to reach a pipe that leads to a Plane Pad. Fly to a platform and grab a key. Now head down the nearby pipe to go back to the beginning. Make your way back to the area with the Plane Pad and wait for the moving platforms below to be lined up then drop down. Hit the switch on the platform to the east and then ride the platforms to the stairs the switch revealed. Now, use the key on the console and enter the room for the final boss of chapter seven. Magnus Von Grapple 2.0: Am I the only one who had more HP then this thing? Anywho, the strategy is similar as the last Von Grapple way back in chapter two. He just does more damage, and has an attack that does 10 damage to both characters when he gets low on health. Again, remove the fists from combat right away as they do a lot of damage. Hit hard and fast and he'll be down quick enough. With Crump's defeat you'll have finished chapter seven. As Bowser, head over to the door and check it. This will end Bowser's scene. As Mario you'll start in the room that required the three keys to open the door. Head down to Sublevel Four and to Tec's room to the east. After a scene head to Sublevel two and to the Transporter room. (Second door to the west of the elevator) Leave the room you come out in and a quick scene will occur. Now head to the Thousand Year Door and it will open. Enter it to end the prologue and start chapter eight. Oooh...creepy evil castle! Head east to the next area and then down the stairs and through the door. In this room hit the block for a shooting star and continue east. Down the steps, west down the stairs and east into the path of cannons firing at you. Engage the cannons and head to the next area. Hit the badge block for an All or Nothing badge, now head back to the door and creep carefully along the floor, adjusting your path when spikes pop out. In the next room, jump over the spinning rods of flame and once you pass a larger one rotating in a full circle use Paper Tube. The next set of fire rods are elevated or on the ground. Roll under them if they are in the air and jump them if they are on the ground. After that, head to the next area. And the far end of the room check the blue koopa corpse and a flood of koopa corpses will fall from above. Chase the blue one down and engage it in battle for the key to the room. Once you have it, exit the room and hit the block for an Ultra Shroom. Head east, down the stairs and continue down until you reach another set of cannons. Kill them and continue. The next area has more cannons, kill them and continue. In this room hit the first block for a coin, the badge block for a P-Up P-Down Partner badge and the last block for a Jammin' Jelly. The next area is a "which exit?" puzzle. So head east and use the exits in this order: lower, lower, upper, upper, lower, upper, lower. Continue east through this area, healing and saving if you wish, and through the door on the far end. Continue through these hallways heading east until you reach a save block. In the next room is a boss fight. Gloomtail: It's the Hooktail's older brother! He spits poison to damage both targets, hits for 8 damage and also has a charge attack. Use Vivian's Veil to dodge the charges and hit as hard as you possibly can. At 50 HP he'll damage both targets for 10 damage so be prepared. Pound the crap out of him and keep your HPs up, but don't waste any Ultra Shrooms unless you absolutely have to use one. Once he's down you'll get the Star Key. Before you leave the room blow up a crack in the eastern wall for an Ultra Shroom and a Jammin' Jelly. Now, head back to the area after the exit puzzle and you'll find a pipe with a chomp statue on it on both sides of the area. Blow them up and take the pipe to a switch, hit the switches to reveal two docks. Use the docks to reach the large tower in the background. Once inside the tower, you'll notice there are four doors. Head to the north western door and hit the gray blocks you can reach. Leave the room and go over to the north eastern door. Walk through the east wall for a chest with a key in it. In the south eastern room use Flurrie to blow away the area in front of the green sign on the wall to reveal a chest. Open the chest for a key now leave the room and go up the stairs in the middle of the main room. Head to the south western door and kill the Koopa corpses in order of weakest to strongest. Thats the white with green shoes, the red one, the white with the red shoes and then the blue one. You'll get another key, now leave the room and head to the north western room. Smash the two grab locks then head to the north eastern room. Blow up the eastern wall for a palace key. Now head to the south eastern room and hide with Vivian to reveal a key. Head back down stairs and to the north western room. You can now reach the gray block you couldn't before. Smash it and you'll get a key, now head to the second floor room and you can now reach the block revealing the key. Once you've cleared out every room other then the south western one on the first floor, head to that room and hit the block furthest from the door three times and the block closest to it twice. This will reveal the final key. Now, head up the stairs to the third floor, put the star key in the star shaped slot and it will reveal eight columns with keyholes. Place the keys in the holes and a scene will occur. The scene reveals a set of stairs has appeared on the path to Gloomtail's room so head there. You'll face off with the Shadow Sirens along the way. Beldam: Like before, take out Marilyn first, then Beldam and then Doopliss. Marilyn and Beldam are pretty much the same as before except far more damaging. So take them out quickly, Doopliss is also nearly the same as before but he copies more frequently now. Just hit them hard and use Vivian's veil to dodge Marilyn's charge and this fight should be a walk in the park. Once they're down for the count head down the steps revealed earlier. Spring jump the block at the foot of them for a Thunder Rage and then continue on to the next area. Head east until you reach the end of the hall, now have Flurrie blow away the wall to reveal a path. Head up the path and then hover jump at the end of it to reach a platform and door. Head through the door. In this room head to the switch and hold shot Koops at it. Head up the nearby stairs and at the gap let go of Koops. A platform will be revealed, cross using it. Head down the stairs to find a repel cape and a door. Head through the door and west up the stairs. Through the door and the top and hit the green elevator switch. Now, head back to the previous room and the green elevator block is no longer in your way. Hover jump across the pit and head up the stairs and drop down into the next pit. Position yourself on the purple elevator block and have Bobbery blow up the purple elevator switch so the block raises with you on it. Once up, hover jump across the pit and hit the red elevator switch. The red elevator block will rise, allowing you to jump on it and then hit the switch with Koops. When you begin to descend you'll see a ledge. Jump to it then head east, hover jump across a pit and then head through the door. In the next room you'll have to spring jump up to pipes above the pits. Do so and make your way to the other side of the room and into the next room. In this room head west until you reach a block with a Shooting Star inside. Now, head back to the stairs to the east of the door and toss Bobbery over the ledge to hit the switch you passed earlier. This will allow you to cross the pit, now you'll see some stars on the wall. Memorize their pattern, from left to right thats: 1, 3, 4 and 6 lit up. Now head up the stairs and east along the path. Jump onto the platform then jump to the one below. Grab the key with Koops then head back to the locked door you passed. Unlock it and then enter the room. Spring jump the block for a Life Shroom and then paper tube up the stairs as the ceiling is too low to jump normally. Ok, you'll now see some blocks with stars over them, hit them from left to right in the same order of the stars you saw before. 1, 3, 4 and 6. Now, head back to where you got the key in the last room, the platforms are now moving. Use them to cross to the next area. Have Flurry blow away the block in the middle of the room, spin jump the pad and then drop down the hole for a door and a point swap hidden above another block. Head through the door and carefully navigate the path. Now, head through the door and use the plane pad and fly to the nearby platform. Enter the door and hit the switch. Now, hop on Yoshi and run up to the platforms that are revealed and cross. Grab the key here and then head back to the previous room. Drop down and head west until you reach a spring pad. Jump on it and you'll be back up at the plane pad. Fly past the platform this time, there are a Life Shroom and a Shooting Star that you fly over if you want to grab them, and to the door. Unlock the door, and the heal and save as you're about to face the final bosses. There are two straight bosses so be warned you won't be able to heal between them. Now, enter the door and head east up the stairs for the battles. Grodus:
HP: 50 Grodus is a kick to nuts if you're not prepared. He'll start off by summoning some Grodus X, which boost his defense by one. Unless he has four then he's invincible. I suggest using Art Attack to counter this and then ATTACK! Since he'll eventually summon more. All his attacks hit both targets for seven damage so keep your HPs up, try not to waste Ultra Shrooms, and hit him as hard as possible. Bowser: Bowser is a souped up form of his previous encounter and Kammy is just as dangerous. She'll attack for five damage as well as boosting all of Bowser's abilities. So take her out first as quickly as possible and then focus on Bowser. This fight is a challenge since you're fresh off the fight with Grodus so I suggest using an Ultra Shroom when you need it. Keep in mind thats AN Ultra Shroom. Now two, not three, ONE. Compared to Bowser, Grodus is a pansy. Not only can Bowser disable your abilities he's also just as strong as Grodus, has one more point of defense and has almost fifty percent more HP then Grodus. With that in mind you have to go all out, hold nothing back attack wise. Once Kammy is down Bowser will fall soon enough. Once Bowser is out of the way head east. Open the chest for an Ultra Shroom, head down the stairs and open the chest for a Jammin' Jelly. Now heal, save and head through the door for the final boss. Shadow Queen: This boss...is a doozy. Unless you're SG...then you use your amazing multibounce powers to kill her and every other boss in the game in like...two attacks. Anywho, she does high damage, has breath attacks that are hard to block, hit both targets AND cause status effects. She also absorbs HP and is capable of boosting her HP and using attacks that hit multiple times for heaving amounts of damage. She can also boost her stats which is a sure way to kill you if she does it in conjunction with a multi hitter. At less then ninety HP she'll power up becoming invincible. You'll have to survive her newly upgrade abilities and also attack for three or more turns. After which a scene will occur, your health will be restored as will hers and then the real battle begins. Hit hard and use some of your Ultra Shrooms if need be. Keep your HPs up and hit her as hard as possible. Use Vivian to dodge her charge attacks and try to keep her hands under control as they're dangerous. If you can keep your HPs up and the stage from freezing you, you'll beat her after some difficulty. Congratulations! Kick back, relax and enjoy the ending. Oh, and to find the reason why I insisted you save as many Ultra Shrooms as possible check the Pit of 100 Trials section.