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Walkthrough-Disk 4 Part 1 You will start off Disk 4 in a desert called the Death Frontier. You will then have a conversation. (Note: There are no random battles in this area). There is a save point at the bottom left. Then head into the cave underneath the save point. (Considering this is a big maze I will make this brief). Head south, west, south, south and east to get a treasure chest (Healing Breeze). Fall down to get another treasure chest (Moon Serenade). Now head back to the beginning. Now go south, west, south, south, east, south, west to get a treasure chest (Healing Fog). Next fall down the sand hole to the north. Check the treasure chest (Healing Rain) then head back to the beginning. This time head south, east, south, south and south. Fall down the sabd hole next to the recovery point. Once you fall down you will get a sequence. Save, and head east, north, east, south and south to get a treasure chest (Gladius). Fall down the sand hole to the left to get another treasure chest (Recovery Ball). Next, head back to the area with the recovery point. Head north, west, north and north to get a treasure chest (Power down). Fall down the sand hole to the right to get a treasure chest (Sun rhapsody). Now head back to the area with the recovery point. Now, head north, east, north, west, north and north again to reach a save and a recovery point. Head west, north, north, east, east to get a treasure chest (Healing potion). Next fall down the sand hole to the south to get another treasure chest (Bandit's Shoes). Now you can head to the world map. Head into the town Ulara and you will get a sequence. For some reason Ulara won't be there. Then Rose will take off a part of her equipment and the city will then appear. After you control Dart, head to the bottom right and get the treasure chest (Sun rhapsody). Then take the green teleporter. You will then be greeted by the guard of the teleport. Once you gain control of Dart again head into the next are by exiting by the top right. Take the path to the left, and you will get a sequence with flowers. Now head the ramp to the left of the save point and search the flowers for a Stardust. Take the teleporter to the left and you will arrive in a item/weapon shop. Stock up and search the vase to the right to get a Stardust. Then take the teleporter back to the two paths and the teleporter. Back there, take the path to the right into the next area. You will then be stopped by a sequence. Go up the stairs and search the dark flower to the right of the four red flowers for a Stardust. Take the path to the top left into the next area. Take the teleporter and you will have a sequence with Charle Frahma. Choose all the choices to learn more information on the moon that never sets. After asking about all the options, take the teleporter to the north to reach the second floor. Get the treasure chest (Moon Serenade) to the left. Then head right and you will get a sequence between Dart and Rose. After the sequence, You will now have to find everyone. i will list their locations. Miranda and Haschel in the bar. Albert ang Kongol are at the item/weapon shop. Meru is at the screen to the south of the bar. After you have gathered all of your party memebers will go to Charle's house to spend the house. In the morning, you will get to select your party members. Head back to the entrance and after the conversation you will be teleported back to the world map. Head into the home of Giganto. Inside Kongol will push a rock and a new path will open. Your party will then have a conversation about winglies. Now it is time to head out of this place, and back onto the world map. Now you must head back to Fletz. So head back through the valley of corrupted gravity and back through the Barrens. Back in Fletz, head into the castle. After talking to him you will then have to see Comodore Puler. Head through the right doorway beside the stairs to find Kayla and Puler. Talk to Kayla and tell him that you are ready to sail. After you have docked, enter the village of Rouge. Once you arrive on Rouge you will have a conversation with the mayor of Rouge. After the conversation, climb up the ladder that you first see. head north and you will see two people. Talk to them to find out that they are actually item and weapon merchants. After stocking up climb up the ladder to upstairs. Head through the exit to the bottom right to get a treasure chest (Wargod's Calling). Then head back to the save point and climb down the ladder to the right. Then climb down the other ladder and walk south to reach the next area. You will then see a treasure chest (Satori Vest). Climb up the ladder to get it. Then head back to the area with the save point. Head north to see Martel and her ill daughter. Forget about her just now and head into the north area. In the next area get the treasure chest (100g) and search the jar to the bottom right for the last Stardust (YES!!!! finally, no more going out of your way for stadusts). Now go back to the Martel and her ill daughter. She will give you a vanishing stone (this stone is the stone needed to use against the magician Faust). Now go back to the center of the village and talk to the mayor. After your nice talk with the mayor, and head back to the bottom level. Head to the south into the next area. Take the path to the left and climb up the ladder. Your party will then notice the stick in the sea. Rose will then tell you about the Magical city Aglis. After you have chosen all the choices to hear information about. You will then automatically exit this area. Now head back to the dock. You will then get a sequence with some winglies. Next the City will rise out of the sea. Now head back to the small boat to go to the outside of the village. You will then get three choices. Choose the third option to go to the Magical city Aglis. | ||||