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Name of Armor Price (g) Users Defense Magic Defense Magic Attack Added Effect
Armor of Legend 10000g All characters 127 0 None Greatly reduces physical damage
Armor of Yore N/A Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Kongol 35 35 None Prevents poison, stunning and arm-blocking
Leather armor N/A Dart, Lavitz, Albert 2 2 None None
Scale armor 50g Dart, Lavitz, Albert 8 8 None None
Saint armor 300g Dart, Lavitz, Albert 34 34 None None
Energy girdle N/A Haschel 37 26 None Gives 50% more SP
Disciple vest N/A Haschel 13 8 None None
Warrior dress N/A Haschel 25 23 10% None
Master's vest N/A Haschel 30 29 None When physical attacked, SP is accumulated
Satori vest 500g Haschel 40 31 None Avoids poison, stunning, arm-blocking
Lion fur 150g Kongol 46 20 None None
Giganto armor 400g Kongol 75 25 None When physically attacked, SP is accumulated.
Breast plate 250g Kongol 59 14 None None
Red dragon armor 800g Dart 41 40 None Nullifies fire-based attacks
White dragon armor 800g Shana, Miranda 27 80 None Nullifies light-based attacks
Jade dragon armor 800g Lavitz, Albert 54 27 None Nullifies wind-based attacks
Dark dragon armor 800g Rose 41 42 None Nullifies darkness-based attacks
Violet dragon armor 800g Haschel 45 40 None Nullifies thunder-based attacks
Blue sea dragon armor 800g Meru 47 54 None Nullifies water-based attacks
Golden dragon armor 800g Kongol 88 23 None Nullifies earth-based attacks
Clothes N/A Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 4g 5 None None
Leather jacket 50 Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 7g 12 None None
Silver vest 120 Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 13g 7 None None
Sparkle dress 200g Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 19 45 None When physically attacked SP is accumulated
Robe 300g Shana. Miranda, Rose, Meru 25 35 None When being magical attacked SP is accumulated
Rainbow dress N/A Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 32 55 None Avoids poison, stunning, arm-blocking
Angel robe 500g Shana, Miranda, Meru 0 0 None Revives from death with a given probability.
Chain mail 150g Dart, Lavitz, Albert 20 24 None None
Plate mail 200g Dart, Lavitz, Albert 27 20 None None
Legend casque 10000g all characters 0 127 50 Great Magic protection
Phoenix plume N/A all characters 0 10 30 Avoids fear/confused/bewitchment/dispirited
Dragon helm N/A all characters 10 0 50 Raises maximum HP 50%
Magical hat N/A all characters 0 10 50 Raises maximum MP 50%
Bandana N/A Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 0 0 3 None
Sallet 40g Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 0 0 8 Increases hit rate of physical attacks by 10%
Armet 100g Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 0 5 23 None
Knight helm 150g Dart, Lavitz, Albert 5 0 37 When being magically damaged, SP is accumulated
Soul headband 200g Haschel 5 5 25 When being magically damaged, SP is accumulated
Giganto helm 200g Kongol 10 5 14 When being magically damaged, SP is accumulated
Felt hat N/A Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 0 0 5 None
Cape 60g Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 0 0 17 None
Tiara 150g Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 5 0 29 Increases hit rate of magical attack by 10%
Jeweled crown 200g Shana, Miranda, Meru 0 5 42 When magically damaged, SP is accumulated
Rose's hairband N/A Rose 0 0 36 Avoids instant death
Magical greaves 300g All characters 0 None None Avoid magical/physical attacks by 5 points
Leather boots N/A Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 0 None None None
Iron kneepeice 100g Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 5 None None None
Combat shoes 150g Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 5 None None Avoid physical attacks by 5 pts
Bandit's shoes N/A Dart, Lavitz, Albert, Haschel, Kongol 0 None None Gives 20 pts more agility
Leather shoes N/A Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 0 None None None
Soft boots 100g Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 5 None None None
Stardust boots 150g Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 5 None None Avoid magical attacks raised 5 pts
Dancer's shoes N/A Shana, Miranda, Rose, Meru 0 None None Gives 20 pts to agility

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