Information Adventures of Musashi (AKA Musashi; Musashi No Bouken) is a little known RPG on this side of the Pacific, which is fitting, since it wasn't released outside of Japan. But thanks to the efforts of Gaijen Translations, we can download a patch and play the ROM in english! How do I play? This game is easy to figure out, since it's just a simplified Dragon Quest clone. Pressing "A" will bring up your menu. Select "Talk" to talk to people, "Cast" to cast a spell, "Item" to reach your item screen, and "Look" to search the ground (have Musashi search at a pot to retrieve its contents; Tanuki can find hidden things when he searches). Pressing "Start" will bring you to your status screen. Here you can see what you have equipped, see what level you're at, check your HP and MP, see how much money you have, and see how many experience points you've accumulated. This is also where your stats are located: Tanuki While you won't gain any other true party members, early on in the game, you'll find a raccoon named Tanuki who will accompany you on your journey. When you first get him, all he'll do is attack at random. But if you find "Happa", he'll be able to learn magic. You can check how much "Happa" you've found by looking at the top of the "Item" screen. Tricky Terrain Since I don't have anywhere else to mention this, I guess I'll just mention it here. There's only one status ailment in this game: Poison. Being poisoned will cause Musashi to lose 2 HP for every step he takes. Cure Poison by using a PureOil.