Locke Cole
Starting Stats
Vigor |
37 |
Stamina |
31 |
Speed |
40 |
Magic |
28 |
Attack |
24 |
Defence |
46 |
Evade |
15% |
Magic Defence |
23 |
Magic Evade |
2% |
Steal - Locke uses his turn to attempt to steal an item from the target enemy.
Capture - Same as steal, except Locke simultaneously attacks the enemy.
Objective Overview:
Locke is an all-around type character. He isn't too fantastic at anything, but he isn't lacking in too much either. He is the fastest character in the game, and his steal ability will allow you to get lots of very good items you'd otherwise not have or be very short on. He also has a charming personality, even if he is a bit of a womanizer. I see a lot of people playing with Locke, perhaps because they can identify with him. He wants to protect everybody he loves, but he's not really sure if he is strong enough to do so. He is young, rebellious, idealistic, and generally has a positive outlook on the world and humanity.
Zeppelin's Ultra-Biased, Unfair, Opinionated Overview:
Zeppelin's Rank: 1
Locke is definitely my favorite character in the game. Up his speed with the Odin Esper to about 55 or 60 and haste him and this guy will easily get two moves in the time it takes most enemies to get one. Steal is also probably one of the most useful techniques in the game, next to Sabin's Blitzes. I also love this guy cause he totally macks it with the females. This guy is suave. He's like a pimp daddy. Not even Relm can resist this guy. My only beef against Locke is that his magic is pretty weak, but this can be remedied if you so desire. Locke doesn't need to be a great spellcaster though. Stick him in the back row with some throwing weapons, and have him steal or just attack, and cure when necessary. Treat this guy right and he'll reward you many times over.