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Enemies A-I

  • The Piro values I give here are the values *in* melee battle; outside of battle, the values are halved, rounded down.
  • An Elemental column with (F) means that Earth attacks will always miss. A (Phys NA) means all physical attacks do no damage, and (Mag NA) means all magical attacks do no damage.
  • The "Range" of an enemy is how far he can walk in one turn. The "Range" of an enemy unit is equal to the lowest Range of the enemies in the unit.
  • If the Range has an "A" tacked on, the enemy is aerial (it can move over water, sky, or mountains).
  • If the Range has a "W" on it, the monster can move in water as well.
  • A "B" in the Location column means it's a boss in that chapter or sidequest.

AlchemicFireLV.3722,000/963 sq.12,000/10,000Burning Earth L.10
1551321868Chapter 18, 24; Easy Dungeon 19B-22B
AlexanderXLV.6035,000/inf.0 sq.40,000/20,000Heaven's Rage L.10, Heaven's Judgement L.10
1771456144Chapter 26B
Alexander(UR)XLV.6515,000/inf.0 sq.40,000/20,000Refresh L.10(full range)
1811605158Chapter 27
Alexander(UL)XLV.7540,000/inf.0 sq.45,000/20,000Hellfire L.10, Ice Breath L.10, Electron L.10, Terra Break L.10, Poison Gas L.10, Heaven's Judgement L.10
1761555158Chapter 27
Alexander(L)XLV.7540,000/inf.0 sq.50,000/20,000Bionics L.10, Sleep L.10, Petrify L.10, Exorcism L.10, Randomizer L.10, Heaven's Judgement L.10
1721545158Chapter 27
Alexander(M)XLV.8050,000/inf.0 sq.0/0Valitora L.10, Leviathan L.10, Garuda L.10, Jormungand L.10, Hyperion L.10, Heaven's Judgement L.10, Heaven's Rage L.10
1641425158Chapter 27B
BansheeXLV.221600/483W sq.1184/1080Seductive Smile L.4, Shriek L.5
49463468Chapter 11; Easy Dungeon 12, 14
BarbarelaXLV.3915,000/2202 sq.8100/3950Power Shift L.8, Heat Rod L.8
1341185486Chapter 19
Barbarela(41)XLV.4117,500/2602 sq.8800/4200Power Shift L.8, Heat Rod L.9
1481245899Chapter 20
BasiliskPoisonLV.263400/04 sq.2520/2400Stone Glare L.10
1101084852Chapter 16; Easy Dungeon 17-20
BengurionXLV.253200/484 sq.2540/1920Excellence L.5
1071003865Chapter 15; Granbelos Fortress 16-20
Blade Guard(Phys NA)LV.232800/1264 sq.1914/1450Nightmare L.4
63844491Chapter 13; Granbelos Fortress 13-17
Blitz MagusThunderLV.121000/1603 sq.230/330Thunder Gale L.3, Bionics L.3
1626846Chapter 6, 7; Granbelos Fortress 9-12
Brandung(F)LV.205800/706A sq.1995/3000Hellfire L.5, Ice Breath L.5
95652640Chapter 8B; Easy Dungeon 10B-15B
BrummbaerXLV.132600/03 sq.275/370Body Blow L.5
584146Chapter 6, 7; Granbelos Fortress 7-12
Buckaneer(F)LV.163200/05A sq.1245/1100Sonic Boom L.4
87463032Chapter 8; Easy Dungeon 10-14
CenturionXLV.253200/544 sq.2485/1880Hole Valley L.5
104104465Chapter 4, 15; Granbelos Fortress 15-20
ChimeraFireLV.133600/494 sq.776/2000Fire Breath L.3
62482246Chapter 5; Easy Dungeon 6-10
ColossusXLV.266800/02 sq.2099/2350None
855342Chapter 11; Easy Dungeon 12-14
Corsair(F)LV.142600/05A sq.744/900None
68422824Chapter 8; Easy Dungeon 9-14
CottontailXLV.14980/605 sq.1698/890Make Friendly L.7, Roll L.6
33466277Chapter 14; Easy Dungeon 17-18
Cure ComradeXLV.303000/1603 sq.3620/2150White Drug L.10
34951397Chapter 19, 20, 22, 23; Granbelos Fortress 23
Cure MageXLV.11980/1303 sq.96/600White Drug L.3
1226836Chapter 4, 6, 7; Granbelos Fortress 6-12
Cure SorcererXLV.181300/1503 sq.633/520White Drug L.6
24341052Chapter 9, 10, 15; Granbelos Fortress 13-21
Dark SceptreXLV.4616,000/06 sq.13,500/9900Assault L.10, Self-Destruct L.10
1621457173Chapter 26, Easy Dungeon 27
Dark StalkerDeath/PoisonLV.444000/04 sq.2830/2380Death Pike L.10
1521242161Chapter 24; Easy Dungeon 25-27
DauntressXLV.4012,000/465A sq.12,500/13,000Fire Breath L.10
1481176887Situation Critical
DefleshDeath/PoisonLV.222800/1133 sq.1320/1480Energy Drain L.6
9453244Chapter 12-14; Easy Dungeon 13-17
DendrobiumXLV.112650/443 sq.376/210Tentacle L.5, Spore L.5
5436353Chapter 5; Easy Dungeon 6-8
DictoryXLV.3418,000/931 sq.9300/5250Shockwave L.7, Reinforcements
1371123576Chapter 17B, Easy Dungeon 24-26
DiseaserDeath/PoisonLV.289700/703 sq.3875/2700Dark Breath L.8
10588446Chapter 13; Easy Dungeon 14B-19B
Evil BeastXLV.294000/04 sq.3210/2150Self-Destruct L.10
1191012352Chapter 17-18, Easy Dungeon 24-26
Evil SavageXLV.273500/04 sq.2578/1995None
102971746Chapter 17-18, Easy Dungeon 24
FavnilXLV.449800/05A sq.9200/7700Breath Wing L.8
15812586134Situation Critical
Flame MagusFireLV.8650/1403 sq.74/280Flame Gaze L.2, Petrify L.2
1220438Chapter 4, 6; Granbelos Fortress 7-9
GalgstafXLV.3812,000/00 sq.15,000/7500Shock Cannon L.10
18075180Chapter 22
Gargoyle(F)LV.173800/05A sq.572/820Breath Wing L.4
45384365Chapter 8; Easy Dungeon 9-13
GatekeeperXLV.5440,000/04A sq.30,000/18,000Attack L.10, Bingo 99 Hit L.10
1981444391Situation Critical (Boss)
Gerumpel(F)FireLV.202800/533 sq.1124/620Flame Gaze L.4, Excellence L.4
70521424Chapter 9, 10; Granbelos Fortress 9-17
Gerumpel(I)IceLV.202800/533 sq.1124/620Ice Magic L.4, Excellence L.4
70521424Chapter 9, 10; Granbelos Fortress 10-17
Gerumpel(T)ThunderLV.202800/533 sq.1124/620Thunder Gale L.4, Excellence L.4
70521424Chapter 9, 10; Granbelos Fortress 9-17
Gladiator(F)FireLV.293600/604 sq.3254/1860Flame Gaze L.8, Excellence L.8
112983457Chapter 19; Granbelos Fortress 18-21
Gladiator(I)IceLV.293600/604 sq.3254/1860Ice Magic L.8, Excellence L.8
112983457Chapter 19; Granbelos Fortress 19-21
Gladiator(T)ThunderLV.293600/604 sq.3254/1860Thunder Gale L.8, Excellence L.8
112983457Chapter 19; Granbelos Fortress 19-21
Gold ScalperXLV.344100/454 sq.4330/2140Scrasher L.9
1241145844Chapter 22
Gran CannonXLV.4010,000/00 sq.7500/4280Catapult L.10
16597272Chapter 22-23; Granbelos Fortress 23
Gran GuardXLV.364800/524 sq.4650/3780Gran Magic L.10
1481212857Chapter 22-23, Granbelos Fortress 22-23
Gran GunnerXLV.377700/00 sq.4420/3440Catapult L.6
13595254Chapter 20; Granbelos Fortress 21-23
Gran KnightXLV.344200/444 sq.4560/3350Gran Magic L.8
1251152242Chapter 19; Granbelos Fortress 21-23
Gran LauncherXLV.151200/00 sq.162/400Catapult L.2
5530228Chapter 3, 4, 6, 7, 9; Granbelos Fortress 7-12
Grand MothPoisonLV.3216,000/2902 sq.6000/5000Poison Powder L.10, Diffuse Beam L.8
1301004352Chapter 14B; Easy Dungeon 16B-18B
GreasyPoisonLV.212600/03 sq.1420/1750Venom L.7
75483327Chapter 12; Easy Dungeon 14-17
Grey ScalperXLV.323800/414 sq.3945/1970Scrasher L.7
1151084833Chapter 19-20; Granbelos Fortress 19-23
Grind DaggerPoisonLV.183500/04 sq.1375/1650Megavolt L.6
87625254Chapter 12; Easy Dungeon 15, 16
GrowlenXLV.284000/03 sq.3320/1820Daikon Chop L.7
1241021014Chapter 19
GroyerXLV.132800/03 sq.312/600Daikon Chop L.3
6142810Chapter 3B, 4, 6, 7; Granbelos Fortress 6-13
GryphonXLV.4630,000/04 sq.18,000/10,000Attack L.9, Bingo 99 Hit L.10
1831383284Chapter 21B
GudolfXLV.4218,000/2302 sq.14,000/6400Nova L.9, Flame Gaze L.10, Magma Storm L.8, Nightmare 99 L.9
1281212495Chapter 19B
Gudolf(46)XLV.4628,000/2602 sq.20,000/8500Nova L.10, Magma Storm L.10, Ice Magic L.10, Nightmare 99 L.10
13914828102Chapter 22B
Gudolf(48)XLV.4832,000/2800 sq.24,000/9500Nova L.10, Thunder Gale L.10, Magma Storm L.10, Nightmare 99 L.10
14815530108Chapter 23B
Heal GlaiveXLV.292600/2103 sq.3540/2340White Drug L.8
988214101Chapter 17-18, 26; Easy Dungeon 24-27
Hell ChimeraEarthLV.3312,000/1194 sq.6800/3750Earth Shake L.6
1551014092Chapter 17; Easy Dungeon 20-23
HelldiverXLV.4214,000/605A sq.16,500/15,000Dark Breath L.10
1551247796Situation Critical
HighlanderXLV.61200/04 sq.62/250None
44321010Chapter 4, 6, 7; Granbelos Fortress 6-12
HornisseWaterLV.312800/2003 sq.3180/2860Ice Magic L.8(one/all), Petrify L.8
378816105Chapter 19-20; Granbelos Fortress 20-23
HummelFireLV.373400/2203 sq.3975/6280Flame Gaze L.10(one/all), Starfall L.9
419418116Chapter 22-23, Granbelos Fortress 21-23
Ice MagusIceLV.6480/1203 sq.36/180Ice Magic L.1, Sleep L.1
814332Prologue, Chapter 1-4, Granbelos Fortress 6-9
IrvineXLV.4016,000/902 sq.9500/4500Typhoon L.8, Excalibur L.8
1421244976Chapter 19
Irvine(42)XLV.4218,000/1002 sq.10,000/4250Typhoon L.9, Excalibur L.9
1521295381Chapter 20B
Irvine(45)XLV.4525,000/1302 sq.16,000/4800Tempest L.10, Excalibur L.10
1641456391Chapter 22
IxsettXLV.3620,000/1062 sq.9900/5350Shockwave L.8, Reinforcements
1431143883Chapter 18B; Easy Dungeon 24-26

Enemies J-Z

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