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Stage 8: Edo (Leave it be)

Shyna agrees with Har, and decides against restoring Edo.  Gehena interrupts, though, stating that the process automatically begins when Shyna gets near enough to Edo.

Megido appears, saying that he was worried for a moment, but his ideals will ultimately be fulfilled.  Har argues with Megido for a moment before attempting to manually shut down Edo.  However, he is destroyed in the process, bringing Edo down.  Megido tells Shyna to escape before the entire shelter collapses.

(Save Point)
Megido is disappointed that the world won't be restored to the old way, but now that Har is gone he will be the ruler of the world.  All he has to do is defeat Shyna first.
Attribute: Silhouette
Life: 1000
Spirit: 1000
Credits: 500

This battle begins much as the last one did.  Megido utilizes his trademark attacks, including Burning Arrow, Helping Hand, and his Kill Wave.  Utilize the same strategy as you did in Stage 6 and this shouldn't be very difficult.
Once you whittle down 500 of his life, though, the battle takes a turn.  Due to Har being destroyed, Megido's mutation cycle goes out of control, turning him into a beast!
The battle's a bit tougher now, as Megido's attacks become more powerful, and he will have a shield up whenever he's not attacking that will reflect your shots back at you!  His new attacks are a Normal-attribute shriek (Reflect Attack it to avoid the damage) and a flurry of roses that can be Deflected.  He still utilizes his Helping Hand (albeit a wicked version coated in spikes) and tosses saw blades at you which can be Reflected.  The ideal strategy here is to stay near the edge of the dome so that your Silhouette side faces the screen, and Reflect Attack constantly until Megido launches an attack.  That's your chance to sneak in a shot of your own.

Megido's a bit clumsier in this battle, and tends to go flying off the edge of the dome more often.  This provides a good opportunity to get in some shots, as he'll be vulnerable while he's recovering from the fall.
When he's defeated, the game will end.  Sit back and enjoy the ending.  Don't forget to save the game so that you get credit for completing the path!

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