Accessories |
Accessories play a relatively small role in the game, but are still of some
use. They affect four areas - Ashley's resistance to certain kinds of enemies
("Enemy"), his elemental affinities ("Affinity"), his resistance to certain types
of attacks ("Type"), and his innate statistics ("Ashley").
Name |
Enemy |
Affinity |
Type |
Ashley |
Agales' Chain |
-5 Beast, Human, +15 Evil |
No effect |
+10 Edged |
+3 STR, INT |
Agrias' Balm |
No effect |
+15 Light, -10 Dark |
+10 Edged, +15 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Agrippa's Choker |
No effect |
-10 Light, +15 Dark |
+10 Blunt, +10 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Balam Ring |
-12 Human, Beast, +30 Evil |
No effect |
+15 Blunt, +5 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Beaded Anklet |
-12 Dragon, Evil, +30 Phantom |
No effect |
+15 Blunt, +10 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Cross Choker |
+30 Undead, -12 Phantom, Dragon |
No effect |
+5 Blunt, +15 Edged, +10 Piercing |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Diadra's Earring |
No effect |
-25 Light, +30 Dark |
+5 Blunt, Piercing, +15 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Dragonhead |
-5 Human, Evil, +15 Dragon |
No effect |
+5 Blunt, Piercing, +20 Edged |
+3 STR, INT |
Edgar's Earrings |
-5 Phantom, Dragon, +15 Undead |
No effect |
+10 Blunt, +5 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Fafnir's Tear |
-12 Human, Evil, +30 Dragon |
No effect |
+10 Blunt, Piercing, +5 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Ghost Hound |
-5 Dragon, Evil, +15 Phantom |
No effect |
+5 Edged, +15 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Gnome Bracelet |
No effect |
-10 Air, +15 Earth |
+5 Edged, +15 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Kadesh Ring |
No effect |
+30 Light, -25 Dark |
+5 Edged, +15 Blunt |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Lau Fei's Armlet |
-12 Beast, Undead, +30 Human |
No effect |
+5 Edged, +15 Blunt |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Lionhead |
No effect |
+15 Physical |
+10 Edged, +15 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Marduk |
No effect |
+30 Air, -25 Earth |
+10 Blunt, +5 Piercing |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Marlene's Ring |
+25 All |
+25 All |
No effect |
+20 STR, +25 INT, +5 AGI |
Morgan's Nails |
+15 All |
+15 All |
+15 All |
+10 STR, +15 INT, +2 AGI |
Nimje's Coif |
+25 Undead, Dragon, +15 Beast, -10 Human, -5 Evil |
+25 Air, Fire, Earth, Water, -15 Physical, -5 Light, -15 Dark |
+20 Blunt, -20 Edged, -15 Piercing |
+5 STR, +10 INT, +2 AGI |
Palolo's Ring |
No effect |
-25 Air, +30 Earth |
+15 Blunt, +10 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Pushpaka |
+30 Beast, -12 Undead, Phantom |
No effect |
+10 Blunt, +5 Piercing |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Rood Necklace |
+5 Undead, Evil, -5 Dragon, Phantom |
+5 Light, Physical, -5 Dark |
No effect |
+1 INT |
Rune Earrings |
+10 Phantom, Evil, -10 Dragon |
+10 all except Physical |
-10 Piercing |
+3 INT, +1 AGI |
Rusted Nails |
No effect |
+30 Physical |
+15 Blunt, +5 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Salamander Ring |
No effect |
+15 Fire, -10 Water |
+10 Blunt, +5 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Swan Song |
+15 Beast, -5 Undead, Phantom |
No effect |
+5 Blunt, +15 Edged, +10 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Sylphid Ring |
No effect |
+15 Air, -10 Earth |
+5 Blunt, +15 Edged, +10 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Talian Ring |
No effect |
-25 Fire, +30 Water |
+10 Blunt, Piercing, +5 Edged |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Tamulis Tongue |
No effect |
+30 Fire, -25 Water |
+5 Blunt, +15 Edged, +10 Piercing |
+5 STR, INT, +1 AGI |
Titan's Ring |
+15 Human, -5 Beast, Undead |
No effect |
+10 Edged, +15 Piercing |
+3 STR, INT |
Undine Bracelet |
No effect |
+15 Water, -10 Fire |
+5 Blunt, Piercing, +10 Edged |
+3 STR, INT |
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