A gentle people that value harmony above all.
Many of Tipa's residents belong to this tribe of unity and friendship. They are gentle by nature and dislike conflict. When disputes arise, they do whatever they can to resolve them. It is said that an air of tranquility follows them wherever they go.
Specialty: Defense.
Traits: High defense and skill in magic.
Weaknesses: Relatively none.
Recommendation of Use: Clavats are naturally good at anything. They have a high defense rating and are quick to the punch with their weapons. They have average charge times for both magic and focus attacks, which makes them the perfect, all-around "beginner's" character. During multiplayer, they can be quite dynamic; be it rushing in and helping your Lilty cohorts or standing back and attacking from afar using focus attacks or magic with your Selkie/Yuke friends. A solid race choice.