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The Pure Land

Your next destination, previously visible but inaccessible, is the Pure Land, east of the ice continent. Once you land, your way will be straightforward. To give you a brief preview the layout of the Pure Land is like this: a few straightforward screens, a split in the path that eventually reaches the same area, a boss fight, a screen with a small temple (you can save at these), a few more screens leading to another boss fight, after which you have to backtrack and go through the temple. Please note that the enemies here drop some rare (and good) armor. However, I'd advise that you wait to hunt for dropped items until the next dungeon, the Mana Fortress, where there's even better things available. For now, it's quicker just to run through this area and nuke the stuffing out of the succession of bosses you'll face. The one thing you do need now is a Griffin Helm for the boy, dropped by Griffin Hands. Once you reach the Mana Tree at the end of the Pure Land, you'll never be able to come back here, so get it while you can.
Once you land, start heading north. At the first split, go north, head up the right-most waterfall, and then northwest through the small cave. Fight the Dragon Worm, weak to Sylphid, for an Axe's Orb, and move on. Head north two screens, west one, and north again to encounter the Snow Dragon, weak to Salamando. Once he's toast head back to the small temple with your shiny new Bow's Orb.
Once through the first "checkpoint," I'll call it, go north a screen, northeast into a cave opening, and fight Axe Beak weak to Undine, for a Javelin's Orb. Head up the newly-available stairs, follow the path past a second small temple and fight the Red Dragon, also weak to Undine, for a Glove's Orb. Head back to the second small temple.
Head north, and take either fork at the split in the road - they both lead to the same place. Use Gnome on the Thunder Gigas you encounter (be careful of its Blitz Breath attack!). He gives up a Sword's Orb along with the ghost. Keep going, pass another building, and fight the Blue Dragon (weak to Gnome) for a Boomerang's Orb. Head back to the building and through it to reach the Mana Tree.

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