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2300 AD Enemies

Acid 10 10 5 255 3 99 15% 8% 13
2 32 32 32 33 20 1 Barrier - Factory
Fire damage to 1 character
Alkaline 8 9 15 250 12 90 13% 8% 12
2 32 32 32 45 40 1 - - Factory
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Counterattacks with Magic damage to all characters if near an Acid
Atropos XR 38 6000 38 127 10 50 100% 17% 11
4 4 4 4 0 0 0 - - Geno Dome
Heal itself, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Shadow damage to 1 character, Damage to 1 character, Physical damage to 1 character, Fire damage to 1 character, Magic damage to 1 character when it dies, Dies eventually even if you don't hurt it
Bit 7 200 6 127 2 50 100% 7% 10
4 4 4 4 0 0 0 - - Arris Dome
Two Bits appear with Guardian, Physical damage to 1 character only when both Bits are alive, Shadow damage to all characters in a line, Shadow damage to 1 character only if only 1 Bit is alive, Dies when Guardian dies
Bug 8 89 8 127 5 50 13% 8% 10
4 4 4 4 26 0 1 - Heal Arris Dome, Factory
Lulls 1 character to sleep, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Bugger 7 100 10 127 7 50 12% 7% 15
3 4 4 8 18 45 1 - - Arris Dome, Proto Dome
Shadow damage to all characters/enemies in a row only when Rats are present, Countattacks with shadow damage to all enemies/characters in a row only when Rats are present, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character only when no Rats are present
Crater 8 80 15 127 5 25 13% 8% 8
4 4 4 8 15 35 1 - - Lab 16
Fire (Physical not magic) damage to 1 character
Debugger 9 120 12 127 3 50 14% 8% 11
3 4 4 8 24 50 1 - - Factory
Magic/Physical Damage to 1 character, Shadow damage to all characters in a row
Debuggest 35 1024 100 127 12 50 35% 16% 6
3 4 4 4 452 450 8 Elixir Shield Geno Dome
Magic/Physical damage to 1 character, Shadow (but not magic) damage to all characters, Magic/Physical damage to 1 character, Damage to 1 ally
Display 38 1 1 127 33 50 100% 50% 13
4 4 4 4 0 0 0 Elixir - Geno Dome
Three of them appear with MotherBrian, Heals MotherBrain, Dies when MotherBrian dies
Egder 15 160 18 150 7 0 19% 10% 10
4 1 4 4 18 0 1 - - Sewer Access
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Guardian 8 1200 16 127 4 50 100% 8% 14
4 4 4 0 300 1000 5 - - Arris Dome
Appears with two Bits, Counterattacks with Shadow damage to all characters if both Bits are alive, Counterattacks with shadow damage to 1 character if only 1 Bit is alive, if both Bits are dead it counts down from 5 to 0 and then revives both Bits
Krakker 36 500 84 127 10 50 36% 16% 9
4 4 4 4 378 300 8 - - Death Peak
Absorbs the HP of 1 character
Krawlie 8 500 44 150 5 50 100% 8% 13
4 2 4 4 100 500 5 - Mid Ether Sewer Access
Reduces the HP of 1 character to 1, Damages 1 character
Laser Guard 30 400 1 100 40 30 31% 14% 10
3 4 4 4 346 120 8 Full Tonic - Geno Dome
Shadow damage to 1 character or ally, Magic damage to all characters and dies if it is hit and not killed
Lavos Spawn (Head) 37 4000 255 127 15 50 100% 16% 10
4 4 4 4 747 500 120 Elixir Elixir Death Peak
Appears with Shell, Fire damage to 1 character, Magic damage and sleep to 1 character, Physical damage and confuse to 1 character
Lavos Spawn (Shell) 37 10000 255 253 16 100 100% 16% 16
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - Death Peak
Appears with Head, Counterattacks with physical damage to 1 character, Physical damage to all 3 characters, dies when the Lavos Spawn Head dies
Macabre 37 582 92 127 5 50 100% 16% 10
4 4 4 4 427 500 8 Full Ether Ether Death Peak
Magic/Physical damage which reduces HP by 1/2, Magic damage which hurts 1 character and steadily lowers his HP after that
Meat Eater 7 75 13 127 6 50 12% 10% 6
4 4 4 3 19 60 1 - Ether Lab 16
Heals all comrades only when not alone, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character only when alone, Poisons 1 character only when alone
MotherBrain 23 5000 1 127 1 50 100% 12% 13
4 4 4 4 3000 3000 40 Blue Mail - Geno Dome
Appears with 3 Displays, Shadow damage to 1 character, Shadow (but not magic) damage to all characters, Chaos and physical damage to 1 character, Lock on all characters (only if you have destroyed all Displays), Magic damage to all characters (only if you have destroyed all Displays)
Mutant 10 300 13 127 8 50 100% 8% 12
4 2 4 4 22 30 1 Full Tonic - Lab 16, Lab 32
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Absorbs 1 character's HP
Nereid 12 138 5 150 2 50 16% 9% 8
3 1 4 4 22 100 1 Ether - Sewer Access
Water damage to 1 character, Lightning damage to 1 character
Octopod 7 130 8 77 10 90 12% 7% 8
2 4 4 4 12 10 1 Mid Ether - Lab 16
High Magic Defense, Appears with Meat Eater, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character only when Meat Eater is alive, Absorbs 1 character's HP only when Meat Eater is dead
Proto 2 9 128 11 127 8 50 14% 8% 10
4 3 4 4 22 50 1 - Tonic Lab 32, Arris Dome
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Magic/Physical Damage to 1 character
Proto 3 11 256 14 127 12 50 16% 9% 9
4 3 4 4 33 60 1 Full Tonic - Factory
Won't attack until you attack first, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character, Fire damage to 1 character, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Proto 4 38 1024 100 127 1 50 37% 17% 7
3 4 4 4 477 800 8 Elixir Barrier Geno Dome
Heals 1 ally, Shadow damage to 1 character, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
R Series 10 150 12 127 1 50 100% 8% 9
3 4 4 7 80 100 1 - - Factory
Appears in a group of 6, Physical/Magic damage to 1 ally, Physical damage to 1 ally only if there are 4 or more remaining, Counterattacks with Physical damage to all characters only if 2 or 3 remain, Counterattacks with Magic Damage to all characters only if only 1 remains
Rat 7 45 10 127 0 0 12% 12% 17
4 1 4 4 18 0 1 - - Arris Dome, Sewer Access
Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Shadow 7 1 8 160 5 50 12% 7% 10
4 4 4 4 14 50 1 - - Lab 16, Arris Dome, Lab 32
Physical attacks always miss, Physical/Magic damage to 1 character
Son of Sun 40 12000 50 255 45 100 100% 17% 16
0 0 0 0 3800 2000 40 Black Mail - Sun Palace
Son of Sun (Fake Flame) 40 30000 10 254 125 99 100% 17% 6
132 132 132 132 0 0 0 Elixir - Sun Palace
Four appear with Middle Part and one Real Flame, Physical attacks do no damage, Dies when middle part dies, High defense, Counterattack with fire damage to 1 character
Son of Sun (Real Flame) 40 30000 10 254 125 99 100% 17% 6
132 132 132 132 0 0 0 Elixir - Sun Palace
Appears with Middle Part and four Fake Flames, Dies when middle part dies, Son of Sun is hurt when this Flame is hit for physical damage

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