[S = Steal, D = Drop, F = Find, B = Buy, A = Arena.]
Name | Price | Effects | Location |
| Angel Quill |
| 6000 | Immune to bad omen | F Elw Pyramid (near Timney), B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Aqua Ring |
| 4000 | Gives water element | B Court Seim, S Deepones/Flurity/Gigafrost |
| Amulet |
| 30000 | Raises Luck two levels | F Abyss |
| Blue Circlet |
| 2000 | Immune to paralysis | F Mt. Zenom, S Ghostrider, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Boom Getter |
| 8700 | Jack's DFP+24, PRY+20% | F Arctica Castle |
| Buckler |
| 140 | Rudy's DFP+2, PRY+2% | F Lolithia's Tomb |
| Clear Chime |
| 4000 | Immune to confusion | F Maze of Death, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Demon Ring |
| 4000 | Gives evil element | B Court Seim |
| Elder Scroll |
| 23000 | Cecilia's SOR+98 | F Dead Sanctuary |
| Fish Badge |
| -- | Absorb thunder, holy, evil | S Largon |
| Flame Ring |
| 4000 | Gives fire element | B Court Seim, S Gigaflame/Ukoback |
| Force Unit |
| 10000 | Speeds Force increase | F Gate Generator |
| Frog Badge |
| -- | Absorb water, fire, earth, wind | Wojanoid |
| Full Libra |
| 20000 | Immune to status changes | F Forest Mound (Elw), A (4 rounds) |
| Gauntlet |
| 2980 | Jack's DFP+12, PRY+12% | F Photosphere |
| Geo Ring |
| 4000 | Gives earth element | B Court Seim |
| Goat Doll |
| 1500 | Revives you when killed | F Cage Tower, F Ship Graveyard, A (1 round), S Bafomet, B Black Market |
| Hard Guard |
| 630 | Jack's DFP+4, PRY+8% | F Elw Pyramid (near St. Centour) |
| Hide Glove |
| 200 | Jack's DFP+1, PRY+4% | F Memory Temple |
| Holy Parasol |
| 10000 | Absorb spells as MP (Cecilia) | F Memory Temple |
| Holy Ring |
| 4000 | Gives holy element | B Court Seim, S Kelbim |
| Memoirs Pen |
| 4000 | Immune to forgetfulness | F Elw Pyramid (near Timney), S Talgium, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Metal Shield |
| 7000 | Rudy's DPF+20, PRY+8% | F Ka Dingel |
| Mind Gem |
| 5000 | Restores MP gradually(?) | F Pandemonium |
| Missanga |
| 3000 | Raises Luck one level | B Black Market |
| Moon Stone |
| 1500 | Immune to poison | F Adlehyde Castle, D Hopedia, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Mystic Slate |
| 15000 | Max MP + 50% | F Abyss |
| Mystic Word |
| 480 | Cecilia's SOR+11 | F Mt. Zenom |
| Necronomicon |
| 3 | Cecilia's SOR+270 | D Necronomic |
| Olive Branch |
| 1500 | Immune to disease | F Mountain Pass, S Miann, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Orb of Life |
| 15000 | Max HP + 50% | F Abyss |
| Orb of Power |
| 2000 | Max HP + 25% | F Sand River |
| Pouch |
| 1200 | Double gella 25% of time | F Gemini's Corpse |
| Power Boost |
| 13000 | Double attack 75% of time (Rudy) | F Abyss |
| Round Shield |
| 410 | Rudy's DFP+6, PRY+4% | F Cage Tower, S Diefighter |
| Reflex |
| 2100 | Rudy's DFP+17, PRY+6% | F Epitaph Sea |
| Secret Book |
| 4540 | Cecilia's SOR+39 | F Sacred Shrine |
| Sheriff Star |
| 20 | Base stats + 100, absorb all Elements, speeds Force increase, immune to status changes, raises Luck 1 level, max HP/MP +25%, restores HP gradually, can't be surprised, double gella 25% of time. | D Raguragula |
| Silver Harp |
| 2000 | Immune to silence | F Volcannon Trap, S Siren, B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Sunglasses |
| 6000 | Immune to flash | F Elw Pyramid (near Timney), B Tent near Giant's Cradle |
| Talisman |
| 12000 | Restores HP gradually | F Epitaph Sea |
| Thunder Ring |
| 4000 | Gives thunder element | B Court Seim |
| Wind Ring |
| 4000 | Gives wind element | B Court Seim |
| Wind Vane |
| 1000 | Can't be surprised | F Ship Graveyard |
| Wise Slate |
| 2000 | Max MP + 25% | F Dead Sanctuary |