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So it Starts...

You'll start the game in a clearing in the forest. Before you have a chance to do anything, somebody will come out, accuse you of being a bandit, and challenge you...
However, before you can fight him, you'll be attacked by a group of slimes. Looks like you'll have to set aside your differences for the time being and work together.
After the battle, the man will see that you're not that bad, and introduce himself as Darus. All you'll remember about yourself is your name, which you'll have to choose now. I named my guy Marq, but I don't believe he has an "official" name.
Head north to Elfas. Darus will introduce you to the chief and the chief's daughter Mina. They will allow you to stay the night in their house, so climb into the bed and do so.
Horror of horrors! Villainy rears its ugly head!
You'll now have a chance to explore the town. Check pots, dressers, etc. for useful items, and when you're ready to advance, head east of town and head north here to enter Guard Forest East.
Keep following the path in the forest, and you'll reach Mt. Belzend. Keep going and you'll eventually reach the bandits...
Turns out the bandits and their leader, Baru, weren't so bad after all, and they rescued Mina from monsters. Anyway, Mina is safe, and that's what's important, right? Back in Elfas, talk to Mina, and she'll ask you to deliver a Rusty Sword to Nyuta, the swordsmith.
Of course, Nyuta is more than pleased to fix up the sword, because he's such a darn nice guy!
Go back to your bed at Mina's house, and that night, a typical RPG-night scene will occur. Pay attention. You just might learn something.
You'll see a light flash in Mt. Belzend... Better investigate! Head back to Mt. Belzend, and keep going past the bandits' hideout, and eventually you'll come across... an airship?
There will be an unconscious girl in the airship. You'll have to take her back to Elfas. Using his incredible powers of deduction, Chief Rollo determines that the girl is a princess from some distant land.
You'll be advised to go to the town of Zenobia to try and find somebody who knows the girl. First, take care of any shopping you need to do in town, and when you try to leave the town, Nyuda will give you the Steel Sword he was working on. Nice!

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