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Hacking List First thing you need is a hacking program. I use Hex Workshop, which you can download at the Downloads section. Open Hex Workshop, and you'll see columns of numbers in Hexidecimal format. The numbers on the left show about where you are at. All of the variable stuff you can edit in Crusader of Centy is in the rows labeled 122D0, 122E0, or 122F0. Find that row, and click on a column. In the lower right, you should see something saying Offset: XXXXXXX, and the numbers it shows you are exactly where you are. So, to edit Max HP for example, simply click on the part where it'll say 122D9, and enter in your new value in Hexidecimal format If you don't know Hexidecimal, don't feel bad. I don't really either. It's a number system based on 16, unlike ours, which is based on 10. So Hexidecimal uses the letters A-F to fill in the missing parts. So after 9, it's A, then B, and so on. It gets confusing... However, included in Hex Workshop is a nifty calculator that can convert normal numbers into Hexidecimal and vice versa. It can be confusing, but really it's not that hard to do. If you have any further questions, ask me. Max HP Location: 122D9 Location: 122DE-122DF The maximum amount of Malins you can have is 9999 (270F in hex). Animals in Inventory The animals are divided into three groups, each group has a corresponding offset: Group 1 Location: 122E7 Each animal in a group has a code. To get the animals you want, add up the codes of the animals in a group, and plug that number into the corresponding offset. Group 1: The first byte in the group 1 codes isn't used. You can have it equal to anything. Pieces/Monarchy=X1 (who you get depends on where you are in the game) Group 2: Inferno=01 Group 3: Group 3 contains the Save box, as well as the remove animal boxes. Also, two dummied "animals", a hand and an eye. Selecting the hand switches Monarchy to Pieces (and vice versa), as well as giving you all the animals you don't have. The eye resets your game. Save=01 To review, just add up the codes for the animals you want and plug them in. So if you want Leviathan, Wong, and Dippy add up their codes (20+40+08=88) and plug in the sum. If you just want everything, plug in XF (where X can equal anything) for group 1, and FF for groups 2 and 3. Equipped Animals Just plug in the code for the animal you want equipped in the correct offset. It is worthless to equip 01-05, as they aren't meant to be equipped. Plugging in any number not listed will probably just freeze your game. Animal A Location: 122EB Equipped Animal Codes: 00=Nothing Location: 122F6 Each item in the game has a specific code, as listed below: To get the items you want, add up the values of the corresponding codes and plug that sum in. If you want all items, enter FF (01+02+04+08+10+20+40+80=FF)