The Saga Begins
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First thing's first, you gotta name your character. He doesn't have a default name, technically, but the description on the back of the box calls him "Sierra Sam". That's an utterly stupid name, but what're ya gonna do, ya know? So, I've decided to name him Sam. Also, when naming, you'll probably want to use all-caps, since the entire rest of the game is in all-caps. I don't even know why they bothered giving you the option of naming your character with lowercase letters... |
Story stuff will instantly commence. I'll try not to give away too many spoilers in this walkthrough, so you'll be in charge of reading the text for yourself. It's a big job, but I'm sure you're ready to handle it. Anyway, when you gain control, talk to the old lady, and tell her to get on your back. |
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You can carry her around all you want, but you won't get anywhere unless you take her to this forest, where the castle is hidden. As a note, whenever you see a square forest like this, you can bet that you can enter it. |
You'll meet the princess, Candy in the castle, as well as her dog Calorie. You think that's a strange name? Get used to it. Almost everyone in the game has a food-based name for some inexplicable reason. You should have gotten suspicious when you found out the old lady's name was "Microwave". |
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You'll want to have an audience with the king, but before you can, you'll have to go down one room and talk to Time Out and Lunch Box for some reason. |
Go upstairs and talk to the king now. You'll be attacked by evilish dudes. You'll also get your first taste of fighting in this game, and your first experience with its semi-crazy battle system. It's super-fast paced too, which is nice if you're in a hurry. Press A to attack, B to guard, Start to run, or any of the directional buttons to cast whatever spells you have equipped. Enemies attack in synch with your attacks, but if you wait too long, they'll attack on their own too. Anyway, just mash the A button and you'll win this fight. |
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Like, totally! |
Wow, that dog is almost heroic. The Animal Planet special is scheduled to air next Monday at 7:00. |
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After talking to the king, you'll get permission to raid the treasury, which is in the room next to the room you met Lunch Box and Time Out in. Be sure to get all the chests, and equip them all too. |
Hey, that wasn't there before! How convenient... |
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This cave is a joke. Just walk along the path, crushing the Roaches as you go. |
When you reach the end, Candy will leave you. She'll also make you wear a dog collar. HAHA! Loser! Anyway, onward to the Nation of Sushi! |
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