1. Spirit Name is the abbreviated name of the spirit as found in the game.
2. Full Name is (arguably) the complete name of the spirit.
3. Learning Price notes how much it costs to learn the spirit.
4. Learnt at? notes at what learning centres the spirit can be learnt.
Spirit Name | Full Name | Learning Price | Learnt At? |
A | Air | 400 | Misuto, Conshiuto, Hidden Centre, Roki, Reiyold, Grantsurk | E | Earth | - | Midia begins with it. Chezni learns it after completing the Crystal World. |
F | Fire | - | Chezni begins with it. |
Ht | Heart | 2,000 | Grantsurk |
L | Light | 100 | Midia begins with it. Jurayn, Doubor, Daphne's Cave, Lagon, Barsas, Rekuon, Grantsurk |
Sk | Sky | 200 | Doubor, Lagon, Barsas, Rekuon, Misuto, Conshiuto, Grantsurk |
Sph | Sphere | 10 | Rasturk, Jurayn, Daphne's Cave, Grantsurk |
W | Water | 1,000 | Hidden Centre, Roki, Reiyold, Grantsurk |
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