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Updates January 1, 2009: Wow. Almost 5 years :O. Nothing new to add, just added new codes and updated the emulation and what's left sections that were somewhat old, mentioning stuff like GetRight and dead ROM sites :P. Happy new year, folks. September 6, 2004: Patch for Snes9x users and PSF Soundtrack added. Also, I finally moved my lazy ass and explained why you can't get the Dragon Hand and Harpoon Bolt. April 17, 2003 (April 28, 2003, After Great Deletion II): More PAR codes and details about buggy codes added. February 2, 2003: Updated the site with almost everything requested on the review process. December 30, 2002: Uploaded more Wanzer parts PAR codes thanks to Kyokukei. October 1, 2002: More PAR codes added. And I'm not finished yet. :P September 1, 2002: BIG Wanzer parts codes update. Check the hacking section (And now the tables look even more messed up :P). August 29, 2002: Gah, I should be working on Xeno and BoO...anyway, I've added the remaining character skill codes. Yes, even for Peewee! :D August 25, 2002: Added some Mir Orlen parts thanks to Foo Soo Min and new codes on the Cheats section. June 10, 2002: ...D'oh! I had all the grip weapons code wrong by one digit, but it's all fine now. June 8, 2002: I just did some small grammar corrections to the characters page. May 18, 2002: Thanks FGTrapper for finding the name of that Driscoll wanzer! A small explanation on the Cyrillic alphabet is up. March 7, 2002: Wanzers & Weapons pics added. March 4, 2002: Some images are looking cleaner, Colloseum pics are in their original, bigger size and I'll add wanzers & weapon pics. Rupidis is already up, I'll keep adding those and say when the whole section is done. March 2, 2002: Shrine is *OFFICIALLY* open! Story section was updated, Driscoll's mech password added to Cheats section. February 26, 2002: Mission parts section updated, Hacking and Basics section are up, Gregorio and Yang added to Colloseum section. February 25, 2002: Shrine going through corrections. PAR codes coming soon. February 24, 2002: Walkthrough complete. Just left to decide if I should add a hacking section. February 21, 2002: ...GAH! I lost the 2 last missions when I moved from angelfire. Anyway, the walkthrough is done but not up yet. I have to finish testing some stuff about the Dragon Hand and Harpoon Bolt. Stay Tuned :) February 19, 2002: Mission 23, 24 and 25 added. Weapon Trader's Camp added in wanzers section. Testing the Dragon Hand cheat very soon. Feburary 18, 2002: No update on the page, but...Dragon Hand pics and location (Harpoon Bolt probably coming up too)! Lemme just get to mission 26 and you'll have them :D February 17, 2002: Mission 20, 21 and 22 added. I got some info on the Dragon Hand coming up soon :). February 16, 2002: Mission 19 added. February 14, 2002: Mission 18 added, What's left section is up. February 13, 2002: I'm back from carnival and doing some changes into the links to prevent problems when the shrine is officially open. February 7, 2002: Gaaahh I forgot to add Gregorio in the Colloseum >_<...Anyway Mission 17 added, Ralph added to the colloseum section. February 5, 2002: Mission 16 added, Updates and Downloads sections are up. Real life is getting in my way. But don't worry, I'm almost finished, NO ONE CAN STOP ME NOW!MWA HA HA HA!!! February 3, 2002: Mission 15 added, Kirkland added to the characters section (Please tell me if you have any info on him) and Ziege gun also added to the cheats section.. Maybe I should put some offset codes... February 2, 2002: Mission 13 and 14 added, one silly comment in the soundtrack section added. January 31, 2002: Mission 12 added. January 29, 2002: It's kinda late but I put Mission 11 up. I think the extra section will only come up after I finish the walkthrough. January 26, 2002: Mission 10 added and also a small update to the soundtrack section. January 22, 2002: Items found during missions (not complete) and Mission 9 added. January 21, 2002: Mission 8 added. Meh. January 17, 2002: Still playing DW7 :P. Added a soundtrack section, still incomplete though. January 12, 2002: Err...sorry, no update, yesterday I finally got DW7.:P January 10, 2002: Mission 7 added. The Hell's Wall Squad was added to the Characters section. January 9, 2002: Just added more info about the wanzer parts in the missions. I'm bored, but I promise to do a bigger update soon. January 7, 2002: Mission 6 added and the whole site is "SSIzed". January 4, 2002: Mission 5 was added. Ryuuhi learns SSI lvl 1! Yay! January 2, 2002: Shrine is now hosted by Cidolfas and I'm free from the evils of Angel Fire. I updated all links manually, I think I should learn SSI soon before I go nuts :P. December 29, 2001: Fort Monus, Soleit and Rupidis added, wanzer section is done! :D I just need to add the few parts found during missions. Those will be added while I update the walkthrough. December 27, 2001: OCU Front Base added to wanzer section. 3 more cities to finish it. December 26, 2001: Beltchka added, skills section almost done, little correction in the items being done and levels for each enemy unit in the walkthrough (I thought their level changed according to yours, D'oh). December 23, 2001: Peseta added. Did a small correction to Grey Rock and the range section changed a little. I won't update tomorrow, so Merry Christmas everyone. :) December 22, 2001: Freedom City added. My stupid connection stopped for 2 whole days. December 18, 2001: If you mailed me during the last days, please do it again because I probably lost it. Tomorrow is an old friend of mine's birthday. Please wait till thursday.
December 14, 2001: My CPU will suffer a super-duper radical transformation. Unfortunately, during that process I cannot access it or update here. Sorry :P December 13, 2001: Added Grey Rock to the wanzer section. December 12, 2001: I'm ALMOST done with my tests (Just one more 'till absolute freedom), so I changed a little bit of the emulation section and added a bit more to the wanzer section. And since I'm listing the items in the wanzer section, I'll probably get rid of that items link and make something else. December 4, 2001: Just a reminder that I'm alive and a cry for help...oh CRAP there are so many of those stupid tests!ARRGHH!!! November 30, 2001: Added New Milgan in the wanzers section. Still late in the walkthrough section and still doing tests. Grr I hate tests. November 26, 2001: Added a little to the walkthrough and wanzer section. No big update till my tests are over... November 23, 2001: Work on the walkthrough has started, but since I'm kinda weird, I started with the 2 last missions.:P Don't worry, I'll complete the first missions saturday or sunday. Oh also, the Cheats section is open. Tell me if you find any REAL use for the change main character cheat. November 22, 2001: If you want to ask something, email me here, the other email isn't working...yet. November 21, 2001: Test Week (Actually it's more than a week of tests) is coming...don't worry, I'll try to make some small updates during the weekend. November 20, 2001: Frontmission.net linked to my site...I better start going faster with the shrine...by the way, the Colloseum section is almost done, just need Gregorio and Ralph's stats. October 27, 2001: Shrine starting its preliminary stage. The email isnt working yet.