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Front Mission World

In this section you can find information about the politics and military events and special terms used in Front Mission. Let's start with the names of the economic blocks:

OCU: Oceania Community Union. Formed in 2026 by Japan, Australia, Southeast Asia (Except China and Bangladesh, which would later join as Alordesh) and Oceania.

USN: United States of the New Continent. Formed in 2020 when North and South America joined.

Huffman Island: Appeared due to volcanic activity in 1995, it was originally under United Nations' control.

First Huffman War: Occurred in 2070 because of borders discussions and interests in the island's natural resources between OCU and USN.

Second Huffman War: An incident at a USN factory causes the Second Huffman War. Occurred in 2090 (When you're playing). It was a dispute for the project of using the human brain as a computer to create stronger wanzers, controlled by the OCU and USN militaries and Sakata Industries. The Republic of Zaftra was also involved by setting up the whole incident.

People's Republic of Zaftra: Formed by Russia, with larger borders in Asia and Middle East.

Carrion Crow: Also frequently named Canyon Crow (Because of the pic below), it's an OCU mercenary unit lead by Lloyd to fight against the USN..and more.

PMO: Peace Mediation (Maintenance) Army. Created after the end of the Second Huffman War formed with both OCU and USN units. Its main target is the terrorist group "Soul of Huffman". It was only a front to maintain Zaftra's power in Huffman Island.

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