Walkthrough Chapter 24: To The Homeland...As usual, you can get a Gunso's ??? from him. Zora's Son will tell you his true name if you want to know. 8-) Bikkebakke sells mushrooms, books, and Matelite equipment. The shops have brand-new equipment, so stock up! Talk to Palpaleos in Yoyo's room to get an Empress Kahna and Royal Gown (equip them on Yoyo). Equip, shop, and feed (by now you should have more or less all Master Dragons, though) then talk to Hornet on the bridge to continue. There's a new sidequest, Situation Critical, and unlike Hard Dungeon it's actually doable (and you'll get tons of EXP and PR doing it). If you have all Master Dragons you should definitely try it at least once. 8-) (Dark Stalker x3) x7 (Ring Commander x3) x2 (Ring Crafter x3) x2 (Ring Tracer x3) x2 (Alchemic x1) x1 (Veltim[BOSS] x1) Bonus: 22,000 EXP You can more or less ignore the Dark Stalkers; let your dragons and Summoners deal with them. Even better, bring along a Mini-Devil party and a Black Dragon and keep dancing until you use Complete Heal All, which will do some nice damage to them and heal you! 8-) First go after the Ring Crafters (they can create new Dark Stalkers), then the Ring Commanders, then the Ring Tracers. As you make your way right and down, DO NOT stand in the forest (or if you plan on it, you may want to first burn it yourself using Bahamut and then freeze it using ice magic or Leviathan to make it disappear). Get the Alchemic close up, and put Salmando on Go! to have him duke it out with Veltim; chances are Veltim will waste his turn using Bagdem on Salmando. 8-) When the Alchemic is gone, gang up on Salmando. Your HP should be high enough that his Bagdem, even if it hits four units, won't kill you all, and a dragon or Priest party can use Refresh at the start of a turn to recover your HP. Once you start beating on Veltim, do NOT Dance or you'll risk using Complete Heal All and lose all your time... he has TONS of HP so it'll take a while to beat him.
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